"When your name, Social Security number, and everything is out on the Internet, it’s hard to do anything," he says. "I could just see somebody shooting into the bedroom or throwing a Molotov cocktail or something. 0 items in order.

Two of Gladys’s brothers, an insurance salesman and a retired deputy sheriff, live in the Orlando area. "He’s worried," Bob says, "that if FBI agents come and kick in his door, he’s probably gonna shoot a few of them. It infuriates her that George is often described as a white man, which she considers an affront to her Peruvian heritage. They were eager for the world to see them as they see themselves: ignored, unmourned victims. Eventually CNN agreed to pay the bill, and the next morning Robert returned the only purchases he could: a bottle of Mercedes-Benz cologne and a Ritz-Carlton wallet that George had bought him to say thanks.Over the summer, I visit Robert in the apartment his parents are currently renting for him in suburban Washington, D.C. His family-spokesman gig has been making him feel especially torn lately. It’s the story of his life. Money was getting tight—their only income was Bob’s and Gladys’s modest public-service pensions—so they often booked just one room for five adults. Alone in his room, Robert started shaking. The connection is choppy. The instructor keeps up the act until he finds out I live in New York City. He may never be able to get Social Security. The potential risks are simply too great. By age 14, Bob was a ward of the state of California; he spent the next decade incarcerated or homeless. The hotel manager threatened to call the police. They ran up a big room-service bill, cleaned out the minibars, got their clothes laundered, made several trips to the spa, treated a party of ten to dinner at the hotel restaurant, and bought swag—from bracelets to bath fizzies—at the gift shop.Toward the end of their stay, according to Robert, a manager presented him with a bill for $3,600. )Another surprise: George almost immediately took up with a new girl, a busty blonde former neighbor named Samantha Scheibe. (Shellie never pressed charges. If he buys a house, then people can go on the Internet and find out exactly where he lives. I would have to wear a hood while they drove me from my hotel to their house, and I would have to leave my cell phone behind. They paid in cash to avoid using credit cards. His singular goal was not to be like his own father, a vicious drunk who used to beat him ruthlessly. He braved HBO’s After George was found not guilty of second-degree murder in July 2013, Robert began thinking about how to accelerate the Zimmerman rebranding project. He used the phrase with me a lot, but the first time was in October 2012, at a dark back table at the Algonquin Hotel’s Blue Bar in Manhattan, six months after what all the Zimmermans call "the incident."

A federal magistrate bounced the case against Roseanne Barr back to a state court. )Robert told me often that he believes George is suffering from PTSD.

But after a few days of deliberating, they gave me their answer. What’s wrapped up in that towel? An adviser suggested Univision instead. One is to put in the front door. In other words: cheap and very few neighbors.There, the family formalized new security protocols. Maybe their paranoia, and all the rules and routines that it requires, just gives them something to do.Eventually, Bob and Gladys agree to meet me in person at the Westin in Lake Mary, Florida, which I’m told is not too far from their secret home. He applied for jobs as a prep chef, an emergency dispatcher, and a disability-benefits evaluator, but he didn’t get any of them. Sign up for the "So I thought, well, maybe at some point we can get with his parents," he told me, "and have some kind of thing where we reward kids that improve their attendance.
Robert calls this his Bieber look.At one point, the Zimmermans booked a room at a cheap hotel in Maitland, Florida. Someone would find them. She can be startlingly callous about Trayvon Martin’s family, about the help they’ve received, financial and otherwise, which she feels her family has been unfairly denied. Ever since he and his wife, Shellie, had an ugly split the previous summer, he’d been effectively homeless, couch surfing around the country. George owes his attorneys $2.5 million. )On the other hand, Robert keeps discovering that life in semi-public isn’t easy for a Zimmerman. "There were three CNN trucks in the parking lot and this big satellite. He and a date recently watched the movie Robert has his "go-bag" with him, and he offers to show it to me. It would tape at the Ritz-Carlton in Miami. They drove to a Chick-fil-A to figure out their next move.George still hadn’t been charged with a crime, and he was sick of waiting until it was dark outside to walk his dogs. Amazingly, they were never recognized.The hotel-hopping went on for nearly two months, until Bob found a 1,200-square-foot two-bedroom house for rent on Craigslist in a nearby subdivision where most of the homes had been lost to foreclosure.
He rubs his son’s close-shaved head, hugs and kisses him. George and Shellie holed up with a friend who was a federal air marshal, so they were reasonably safe.

she screamed when she saw the first news report pop up on her phone.

Get delivery, or takeout, from restaurants near you. "You and your brother are evil!" Robert tried explaining to a Fox News said no.