For example, the standard model has 20 free-parameters that are plugged and not explained by the model itself. Projected From the E8 Crystal. in which V is a constant volume factor, and the Hodge star, Three previous arXiv preprints by Lisi deal with mathematical physics related to the theory. Usually, in Cartan geometry, the deformation of a Lie group, In Lisi's extension of Cartan geometry, the Cartan connection over B is interpreted as a superconnection,

The goal of E8 Theory is to describe all elementary particles and their interactions, including gravitation, as quantum excitations of a single Lie group geometry—specifically, excitations of the noncompact quaternionic real form of the largest simple exceptional Lie group, E8. Cultivated Emergence: a new approach to positive outcomes. Emergence theory focuses on projecting the 8-dimensional E8 crystal to 4D and 3D. Mathematically, these charges are eigenvalues of the Cartan subalgebra generators, and are called roots or weights of a representation.

Accordingly, what we are targeting is a non-local and non-deterministic quantum mechanical hidden variables theory explicitly allowed by Bell’s theorem.

Indeed, this is the case for all physical models, from general relativity to quantum mechanics. Rules are made to be broken, the saying goes - or at least re-written. Gauge symmetry relations would be a logical product of such derivations.

In contrast to traditional Emergence Theory, and the game of chess, where the outcome of a game or the next move cannot be predicted - we take the approach that by identifying the simple rules which guide our actions, we can aim to achieve a specific positive outcome.

The first mainstream and scientific press coverage began with articles in Lisi's paper spawned a variety of reactions and debates across various physics Thirty-eight arXiv preprints have cited Lisi's work. E8 has come up before in physics, most notably in string theory, but Lisi’s theory harkens back more to the early 1960s, when physicist Murray Gell-Mann noted that the zoo of … Gravity is quantized and explained in our framework in a novel way.Quasicrystalline dynamic codes are inherently (via first principles) non-local and non-deterministic. Ordinary unification models, such as the standard model of particle physics, seek to show the gauge symmetry relationships between fundamental particles and forces. The theory received accolades from a few physicistsIn response to Distler and Garibaldi's paper, Lisi argued in a new paper, "An Explicit Embedding of Gravity and the Standard Model in EAs well as being in some representation space of the Standard Model or Grand Unified Theory Lie group, each physical fermion is a In GraviGUT unification, the gravitational Spin(1,3) and Spin(10) GUT Lie groups are combined (modded by The algebraic breakdown of the 248-dimensional e8 Lie algebra relevant to E8 Theory is That is, subquantum mechanics that explains both particle physics and quantum gravity. Using non-crystallographic Coxeter-Dynkin diagram folding matrices, we can map our quasicrystal dynamics to physically realistic gauge symmetry equations of the standard model.

For example, we only know Planck’s constant to the fourth place after the decimal (CODATA values average six experimental protocols that disagree after the 4 These properties or behaviors emerge only when the parts interact in a wider whole. Each elementary particle state can be thought of as a different orthogonal direction, having an integral number of twists around each of the R directions of a chosen maximal torus.

"Clifford Geometrodynamics",Before writing his 2007 paper, Lisi discussed his work on a Numerous news sites from all over the world reported on the new theory in 2007 and 2008, noting Lisi's personal history and the controversy in the physics community.

Never heard of ‘em? For a Lie group of rank R, one can choose at most R orthogonal circles that do not twist around each other, and so form a maximal torus within the Lie group, corresponding to a collection of R mutually-commuting Lie algebra generators, spanning a Cartan subalgebra. In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence occurs when an entity is observed to have properties its parts do not have on their own. Here’s a bit of break down: The general idea is that E8 is an 8-dimensional lattice or shape that is suspected to be the source of our 3-dimensional reality. But he's come up with a clever method that may overcome the tricky problem of adding gravity to the mix.

For a written and video overview in layperson terms, Quantum Gravity Research is working on a graph-theoretic approach to quantum gravity and particle physics operated on a A quasicrystal is a projection of a higher dimensional crystal slice to a lower dimension via an irrational angle.

For example, smooth forward motion emerges when a bicycle and its rider interoperate, but neither part can produce the behavior on their own.

They do not explain the first principles origin of the empirically observed approximate values being unified.

When the fundamental 8D cell of the E8 lattice (a shape with 240 vertices known as the “Gosset polytope”) is projected to 4D, two identical, 4D shapes of different sizes …