Here are 25 Interesting USA facts. The country's energy consumption is considered extraordinary.In practice, the national language of the United States is English. By Joseph Kiprop on August 1 2017 in World Facts. United States Facts for Kids. Heft initially created the American flag in 1958 as the school project during his junior year in high school. United States, officially known as United States of America (USA) is a federal republic which consists of a federal district and 50 states. These lands are reserved for wildlife refuges, forests, wilderness areas, monuments, national parks, and lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Here’s a list of 25 Interesting USA facts that you probably didn’t know. 100 acres of pizza are served in the United States every day! According to the pizza industry trade organization in the US, about 100 acres of pizza is served every day. According to a survey done by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Americans tend to be more satisfied by pizza than by burgers.The current US flag features 50 stars and was designed by Robert G. Heft. 1-5 Interesting Facts About USA 1. Our current 50-star flag was designed as part of a high school project by 17-year old Robert Heff. The U.S. citizens can travel to 116 countries without a visa requirement and get a visa on arrival in additional 44 countries.China is growing fast, but the U.S. Economy is still the world’s biggest when measuring GDP.The US is often referred to as the Land of Dreams or the Land of Opportunity. The U.S. has won the most Olympic Medals of all times!In the Winter Olympic Games, Norway has won the most but combined with the Summer Olympic Games, the U.S. has won the most medals.The Music Industry in the U.S. is huge, and globally, the majority of the music we listen to comes from America. Together with bays, inlets, islands and sounds, the Alaskan tidal shoreline stretches for 47, 300 miles.The history of the internet dates back to the 1950s when electronic computers were being developed. USA won the last ever Olympic gold medal for rugby in 1924 and are therefore technically still reigning champions. 10 Interesting Facts About the USA. The American flag is a common way to show American pride. let us know some interesting facts about Unites States These two islands are just 3.8 km (2.36121053 miles) apart from each other.At just two cents per acre, the United States of America bought the lands of Alaska from Russia.The American flag consists of 13 stripes and 50 stars. There are so many music superstars with origins in the USA.Some of the greatest artists of all time include Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Metallica, Eminem, Beyonce, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Billy Joel, Whitney Houston, Ray Charles, Madonna, Nirvana, Bruno Mars, Guns n’ Roses, Bon Jovi, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Springsteen, Kiss, Marvin Gaye, Tupac and Frank Sinatra just to mention a few.The list could go on and on because so many hits have been made by American artists, and you will find all kinds of music from every genre.It is said that 1 American consumes the same resources as 32 Kenyans.

American History 100 Facts. Learn some interesting information about the United States of America while enjoying a range of fun facts and trivia that's perfect for kids! Interesting facts about the United States 1. Did you know that the GPS is operated and maintained by the U.S. Air Force? It was first adopted back in 1777 the 14th of June.Below are links to the best deals on hotel and accommodation.Hey! United States is 3rd most populous country in the world. He originally received a B– for the project, but he was later awarded an A after the flag was accepted by the Congress.The United States of America is the only country in the world who has set foot on the moon. ARPANET was the first switching network to be developed.The United States has the largest economy in the world. While English is mainly spoken throughout the US, Spanish is the second most common language in the country which also happens to be the most widely taught second language.McDonald's is among the largest employers in the country. The current flag was designed by a 17-year-old. However, at the federal level, there is no official language, although some laws such as the US naturalization requirements institutionalize English as the language. Reports even claim that the pizzas that Americans eat every day would cover an area of 100 acres.Throughout history, there has been countless of American inventors who’ve come up with inventions that have changed the world.Some of the most notable inventions are the transistor, the internet, the lightbulb, the airplane and of course the improved cell phone by Martin Cooper.These are just some of the many inventions that Americans have given the world.One of the many interesting facts about the USA, which shows their power and influence over the world. Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement, was founded in 1607.. 2.