James is an adventurer by trade, just like his legendary great-grandfather Allan Quatermain. Go along it and you’ll reach a chamber with a tomb in the middle and statues on a pedestal.

You can kill them with a sniper rifle on your right or use the rocket launcher.After killing them go down and follow your comrades. Your journal shows which crystals to light up to move forward. Use the switch on the right to go down.After a while you’ll reach a corridor that leads to a rather big chamber with a big gate. Take them and get close to a pile of rocks, you’ll be able to plant them on the scorched side. James Lee Quatermain is a man of many talents, yet holding on to money isn’t one of them. She will take you to a car in which you will leave.After passing a check go forward.

Then turn back and walk a few steps where you came from. Go upstairs and head forward. Using the flashlight doesn't help much even by holding Alt down.Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You have to find the symbols from your journal on the left column and put them in the same places on the right one. You just have to get close, take some dynamite from the left side and throw two pieces at him to destroy the ground it’s standing on. Kill all the enemies inside.Keep going, you’ll see another fight – the undead will definitely win if you don’t do anything.

The mummies later on are very annoying. When it falls down, cross it. Go to one end and close the valves to unlock a way forward. Enter it to reach another puzzle, there will be fire shooting out of the floor making it unable to pass.There are two columns on both sides. A sniper rifle is the best for that.When you do it, take a rocket launcher and when you reach the gate, destroy two generators. Light bearer (10 points): Collect 5 unique Power of Light treasures. You have to set it just like you see on the screenshot above.Then a short cutscene will happen, after which you’ll have to deal with a few Russians to finish the chapter.GUID SUSPENDEDChampions of Anteria is the spiritual successor of The Settlers saga, enriched with RPG elements and missions in...This unofficial game guide to Urban Empire is a collection of valuable advice and tips, which can make the challenges which await...The guide to Persona 5 will include chapters focusing on the most important aspects of the gameplay. You can wait until they kill each other or join the fight straight away.When the fight is over, jump down and go left and then left again.

At one point the tunnel will collapse and you will have to go upstairs.Go through the collapsed path and kill two enemies with machine guns, then go down. After a while you’ll reach a place where you have to crouch to go between two statues. After taking a few steps the floor will collapse under your partner and you’ll have to take her out. Point it at him and hold alt to focus the light. Shoot the boards and keep going.After a moment you’ll hear voices and see three nazis. When it’s over, keep going forward. Thank you, Just picked up the game for $3.99, figured it was worth that, but Ive been fighting that first mummy for 20 minutes

Tutorials, hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and more. Slide down the rope and start fighting the enemies. A path that you have to take to a safe spot will open.

mrwillowcreek. You can take three treasures nearby. Go that way to finish the chapter.Get out of the mine and take a treasure map on the left side of the exit.Walk along the track, then turn right and use a rope to slide down a few floors.

A lot of spears will move out of the floor and in the middle you’ll see plates you can shoot.Shoot the right one first, then the left.