Once people get good with Hou Yi he will stop being considered this low tier character and stat actually seeing a little bit of play.

Link ️ "Hou Yi!" HOU YI: BEWARE THE MARK OF THE GOLDEN CROW SMITE - God Reveal - Defender of the Earth. Either way, Hou Yi was a great archer with a good heart to help the people and the husband of the infamous Chang’e. Try entering just the first three or four letters. Pierced, the sun exploded in color and a giant red raven with three legs fell to the earth, slain by the white arrow.

But one sun he left, and so fearful of Hou Yi's archery, this sun behaved, dipping below the horizon. At rank 5, Hou Yi gains +15% penetration against the marked enemy god. Bent beneath the scorching rays, the people begged the Emperor-God Di Jun to aid them.

Found this site useful? In a time long past, an unexpected calamity came to be. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gender: Male Type: God Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present.

Chang’e, the Chinese moon goddess whose loveliness is celebrated in poems and novels. Cost: 50; Cooldown: 18s

Hou Yi, Defender of the Earth, is a hunter of the Chinese pantheon in Smite. He is really good at killing tanks because of his 2.

Bent beneath the scorching rays, the people begged the Emperor-God Di Jun to aid them. Such incessant light and heat ravaged the earth, wilting fields of grain, drying rivers, even melting forged metal.

Hou Yi In Chinese mythology, Hou Yi is the god of archery, part of a fascinating pantheon of deities in a complicated celestial hierarchy first recorded nearly 2000 years ago.

Good/Evil Rating: NEUTRAL, may not care Popularity index: 1370 Armed with a mystical red bow and a quiver of white arrows, Hou Yi traveled to Earth. Eight shots more he let fly. Now armed with the power of the red ravens he smote, sending light and fire against those that threaten the world, be it monster or beast, dragon or sun, man or God, Hou Yi is the Defender of the Earth.

God stats & abilities Hou Yi, as stated in the Arena power rankings, is one of the top gods in all of SMITE, in particular due to his significant presence in team fights. So Hou Yi drew again and fired a killing shot. Such incessant light and heat ravaged the earth, wilting fields of grain, drying rivers, even melting forged metal.

Divebomb; Hou Yi launches into the air, holding his bow above his head as he glides forward. What he found was a barren land. The mark lasts for 10s. The legendary archer Hou Yi dashing outside to find his wife, Chang’e, drifting towards the moon. But one sun he left, and so fearful of Hou Yi's archery, this sun behaved, dipping below the horizon.

Consider donating a few pennies to the He is said to live around 2436 BCE to 2255 BCE. There are two main version of Hou Yi legend in which the first one regards him as the mortal who helps the god and the second one regards him as a god.

Marked enemies take extra damage for every 10% of their missing health from Hou Yi’s abilities and basic attacks. (Unused) Introduction [edit | edit source] Link ️ "I will defend this land from those who intend to destroy it!" For playstyle i would play aggressive in the laning phase and in teamfights just hit whatever is in front of you.

If you wish to use our material in your essay, book, article, website or project, please consult our At rank 3, marked enemies are visible to Hou Yi on the minimap including stealthed gods.

From whence none knew, ten suns rose above the horizon.

She sought refuge in the moon when her consort, Hou Yi (the Lord Archer), discovered she had stolen the drug of immortality given to him by the gods. Nocking arrow to bow, Hou Yi loosed a warning at the suns hoping to frighten them away, but they impassively remained. Hou Yi’s pursuit was impeded by the Hare, who would not let the Article last revised on April 21, 2019 by Rowan Allen. While Hou Yi was grateful for the gift, he felt conflicted. Color illustration from Myths and Legends of China by E. T. C. Werner, 1922 (cropped from the original).Internet Archive / Public Domain. SmiteGuru - Smite's best source for player profiles, god stats, smite matches, elo … If you get shots on their backline perfect. In charge of: Heroics Area of expertise: Hero.

The god is perfectly balanced (possibly the most balanced in the game) His boxing potential is the best among hunters level 12 on.

In a time long past, an unexpected calamity came to be. You can take on almost any god in boxing fights and have a lot of kill potential. Smite's Hou Yi season 6 builds page. Now armed with the power of the red ravens he smote, sending light and fire against those that threaten the world, be it monster or beast, dragon or sun, man or God, Hou Yi is the Defender of the Earth. Not sure of the spelling?

Name: Yi Pronunciation: Yee Alternative names: Hau-Yi, Hou I, Hou-Yi, Shen-Yi. Please mention Godchecker.com when praying to the Gods. Eight times more Hou Yi drew arrow to cheek.