And David Sedaris fits the bill of light but quirky. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. There are some fictional pieces as well, usually from the point of view of racists or conservatives, which are pure satire, although I felt that these were the weakest parts of the book. The collection is variable. For the last six months, every time I listened to something with the idea that it would be the Audible equivalent of Ambien, I put Willkie Collins "The Woman in White" (1859) on sleep timer. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. David Sedaris’ book Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls (Essays, etc.) David Sedaris' latest essay collection, Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls, mixes his trademark quirky observations with less successful fictional asides in … "I usually like the work of David Sedaris. It was a fun event - Sedaris is charming and adorable in person, and was very polite to the requisite crazy people who tend to show up at every author reading I've ever attenAs part of the promotional tour for this book, David Sedaris made a stop in a Barnes and Noble in my city, and I ended up going sort of by accident (I bought a copy of the book on a whim the day before the event and learned that, by purchasing the book, I had also unknowingly purchased a ticket to the reading the next day). I would get in my car while all this was going on and listen to David spin his witty tales about life and his family and for the brief time I was in my car I was laughing and forgetting the anxiety of the world for the moment.I needed a laugh and Sedaris didn't disappoint. He is not clever, observant, witty, pithy, or trenchant. He’s at his best when talking about his family or childhood memories, or wryly observing society’s foibles. I find that he is at his best when he is writing about his family and friends in a mode that indicates more nonfiction than fiction.

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Do not read in public unless you want the bus to yourself. Another fantastic collection of bittersweet comic essays from Mr SedarisReviewed in the United Kingdom on November 16, 2018 It's not that "Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls" (2013) helped me fall back to sleep. )I like humorous books like this. His writing is funny and illuminating, but the most important message I take from his books is his ability to reflect on his life without trying to hide any of the unsavoury bits or justify his inappropriate outbursts. This study guide contains the following sections: Summary; Chapters; Important People; Objects/Places. 0316154695 It was a fun event - Sedaris is charming and adorable in person, and was very polite to the requisite crazy people who tend to show up at every author reading I've ever attended (I remember one particularly memorable woman at a Margaret Atwood reading who started out asking Atwood's opinion about Britney Spears and her costumes throughout the years, and ended by shrieking that "What they did to Britney was A SIN! We’d love your help. Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary

Something we hope you'll especially enjoy: If you're a seller, Fulfillment by Amazon can help you grow your business. I enjoyed some essays more than others, but that was to be expected.On an audio binge of David Sedaris, I’m glad I didn’t start with this one. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. This set of essays/musings is typical Sedaris. But Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls isn’t a bad read and a few of the essays had me LOL-ing hard though it’s definitely not as consistently good as his other books. The random coThis set of essays/musings is typical Sedaris.