“Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things” is a thought-provoking and engaging documentary that follows Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus and their mission to examine the changes in what a majority of society deems valuable. You need to focus on feeling healthy, fit and feeling good about yourself.Joshua recommends that you only need 18 minutes to get some exercise in. They explain that minimalism is expressed on a case by case basis, it’s all about the individual identifying what is and what isn’t essential in their life.Here are some of the ways that Ryan and Joshua believe Minimalist lifestyles can help you;”Minimalism is a lifestyle choice. 0000032838 00000 n What went wrong and caused the bad times, identify how you can avoid that for the future.

Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life is written by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus – The Minimalists. You must blend text and images. As long as it brings you joy, is rewarding for you, then it's perfectly legitimate. You have to continually raise your standards, bit by bit, in order to keep reaching for your goal.

0000041465 00000 n When in reality, we need to be looking within ourselves to find happiness and contentment.“Real happiness, however, comes from who we are—from who we’ve become. Real happiness comes from within.”They point out that actually, the search for happiness is not the point. Growth 5. That’s why we created this worksheet—because once you understand your values, you will understand the direction in which you must travel. Whether it be writing or painting or singing. Wright explained that eliminating all the unnecessary belongings freed him to focus on only the important and meaningful things. 0000013036 00000 n But I love that the quiz comes from such a positive place. The Minimalists have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Forbes, TIME, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, BBC, and NPR. Subscribe to this website via emailto receive free essays about minimalism from Joshua and Ryan. 0000004244 00000 n Are the experiences we are living and embracing giving us a quality experience we can truly appreciate? Infographic. Below are some links to infographic makers. You may have other values as part of your foundation, but these five are nearly universal. 0000009496 00000 n And identify which of these relationships are positive ones and which are having a negative impact on your life. So if you want to continue to grow, you must continue to raise your standards; otherwise, you’ll plateau. It’s this relationship with food that effects any fad-diet and almost always ends in failure. There are no specific rules to simple living and nobody is required to get rid of things that bring value to their life. It’s growth that makes you feel alive.”Joshua and Ryan explain that growth is really just the beginning of the journey.

All you needed was the desire to live a simple, intentional life. Values Worksheet. %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000035040 00000 n Minimalist values challenge the everyday consumer to put their phones down and throw out the junk they don't really need and look at the world around them. Imaginary Values are merely obstacles that get in our way. If you’re not growing, you’re dying; and if you’re dying, then, by definition, you’re not living a meaningful life.”You can’t just stop once you’ve made a change. Your identity should come from your meaningful life, not from how you earn a pay-check.”The best thing about passion is that there are no rules, you can literally be passionate about anything you want. Any line of work can be your mission.Joshua and Ryan point out two distinct characteristics that differentiate people who are passionate from people who are uninspired.”Using what you’re passionate about to keep you focused and fuel more passion is a critical part in discovering your mission. While this facade is not as critical as the structure itself, what’s on the surface makes your house interesting and unique and enjoyable. 0000001944 00000 n This is exactly what they did when they saw Colin Wright, Leo Babauta, Tammy Strobel & Joshua Becker living Minimalist lives, writing and contributing meaningful things to peoples lives. Leading a minimalist lifestyle looks different for everyone. But living the ‘American Dream’ is a vicious cycle that is never going to make you happy or help you live meaningfully. 0000008524 00000 n The Minimalists believe the best way to live a meaningful life is to align your short-term actions with your long-term values; that is, to make your future self proud of your present self. Exercise is designed to be enjoyed.Joshua and Ryan encourage you to create your own list, what else might you add?As humans we thrive off relationships with other people, we desire to feel loved and to give love. Unless, of course, you embark on a serious remodeling project, which is always a possibility. To live a meaningful life, you must align your actions with your values. The Minimalists, Los Angeles, California. You can’t perceive this as a temporary diet, it needs to be a lifestyle adjustment.Foods to avoid: anything processed or packaged, sugar.Joshua and Ryan identify the following dietary lifestyles as beneficial; vegetarianism, veganism, paleo, pescatarianism & intermittent fasting.”Thus, your diet is marked by the daily habits by which you live. Assess how you spend your time and consider how you might reallocate your resources to better align with your values. Use the past to mold your future.Just as you did with your life, it’s time to take inventory of the relationships you are currently maintaining. 638K likes. There’s gotta be a better way?From a young age, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up, and we are encouraged to pursue a career, it becomes part of your identity, your job title corresponds to your social status. While some would argue that financial situations are difficult to tread, it is possible to carve one's way through crippling debt.This process of simplicity is a bit longer to reach as sometimes debts may take a while to trek through. These two will differ from person to person but will be their ‘guiding stars’ to how they live their life.However, Joshua and Ryan stress that despite 2 values being your main focus, that doesn’t mean you can forget about the other 3. Here’s how to walk through this intentional living values exercise. The same is true with your values.