Discover (and save!) hubert reeves quotes. It seems that when he was six years old, Hubert Reeves and his family used to visit Père Louis Marie, a family friend and a Trappist monk who lived at the monastery in Oka. 1:55. Hanging bridges in Costa Rica's canopy. Indeed, Reeves considers this sharing one of the primary obligations of a scientist because the implications of scientific discoveries "go beyond science to alter our vision of the world.” He writes that "science challenges the way we think about the meaning of life" because it "will help us make moral decisions by enriching the context in which philosophical questions are framed.” In this regard, Reeves, like other notable stargazers, is not unlike Albert Einstein, whose passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility might be compared to Reeves's own deep concern for humanity's future and the welfare of the planet. He studied at College Jean-de-Brébeuf, U de M, McGill U and Cornell U, where he received a doctorate in nuclear astrophysics. In response, Reeves notes that while scientific knowledge is cumulative, the moral sense does not appear to follow the same pattern. Entre autres, l'Union astronomique internationale a baptisé « Hubertreeves » un astéroïde situé entre Mars et Jupiter qui tourne autour du soleil en 4 ans et 9 mois. Thank you. Your message has been sent. The renowned Canadian astrophysicist Hubert Reeves, described recently by an admirer as a "5 foot four inch intellectual giant” and ”the world's leading expert on the big bang theory” has devoted his life to uncovering the history of the universe and to sharing his knowledge with people around the world. 14:18. It was October 1970. This is part 2 of a 2-part series.Finding meaning in the universe with astrophysicist Hubert Reeves, Part 2Astrophysicist Hubert Reeves on the meaning of the universeHubert Reeves is one of the world's foremost experts on the Big Bang and the origins of time. He became recognized early in his career as one the world's experts on the origin of light elements - helium, deuterium, lithium. It is a moment, he writes, "still engraved in my memory after forty years." If the universe contained at its inception the elements that would evolve into the human brain, is conscience a product of evolution as well? In pondering whether humanity is capable of finding its proper place in the order of life, Reeves stresses that the species that survive are those able to live within the planet's ecosystem. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Hubert Reeves (1918 - 2003) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Beneath the mountains, an autumn patchwork of gold and vermilion framed a winding brook. Save Our Earth Save ... hubert reeves quotes. He locates his optimism for the future in the nature of optimism itself: an energy that creates like energy, and the continual strength he draws from his first love - staring at the stars - and his favourite planet, Venus. Mesures made with Hubert-Reeves telescope, France, and using SuperWASP, RISE, Carlos Sánchez and Liverpool, Canary Islands, Spain. L’an dernier, en France, il a été nommé Commandeur de la Légion d’honneur, le plus grand honneur attribué dans ce pays. How do we create a person’s profile? In general, that sums it up: trying to understand how nature works without invoking supernatural forces. Père Louis Marie was also a naturalist and geneticist, and he introduced the young Hubert Reeves to the world of botany, helping him identify the plants and flowers in the woods nearby.In the words of Hubert Reeves: “It was like magic. Hubert Reeves, astrophysicist (b at Montréal 13 July 1932).

I imagined the emotion Galileo must have felt when …he had done something similar and had seen the moons of Jupiter.” That thrill of discovery, that passion for learning, certainly aided Hubert Reeves as he pursued his formal education, at l’Université de Montréal, then at McGill, and finally at Cornell, where he received his Ph.D. in Nuclear Astrophysics in 1960.With such a passion for science, it was natural that he would become a teacher, and he has continued to combine teaching with his many other endeavours since 1960.