We provides one of the most largest ranges of colored contact lenses around the world including natural, cosplay, Halloween and many other classic series. The single use colored contacts are also a popular option around Halloween as you can have a thrilling new eye style and then simply dispose of the lenses after. 3. We strongly recommend that you soak your contact lenses in solution for at least two hours before putting them into your eyes for the first time.Here is a step by step guide to applying your colored contact lenses.

Unfortunately, colored contact lenses aren’t for everyone.

Our contacts are available in 14.2mm (and below), 14.5mm, 14.8mm, and 15.00mm. Contact lenses are not one size fits all, please check with your Eye Care specialist to make sure whether the parameters are suitable for your eyes before purchasing. Our vast selection of colored contacts come in 17 attractive shades. Do it again for the other eye.Wash you hands with soap and use multipurpose contact lens solution to clean your finger which will handle the lens.Apply at least three drops of contact lens solution on each side of the lens and softly rub the lens 10 seconds per lens side.Rinse each side of the lens for 5 seconds to remove the loosened debris.Place the lens in your clean lens case or lens holder and fill with fresh solution. Unfortunately, colored contact lenses aren’t for everyone. Exclusive Offers! Buy 3 Get 2 Free | Buy 2 Get 1 Free. It just goes to show that we truly offer the newest and best contact lenses that technology has to offer!As you may or may not know, often germs are passed and viruses are transmitted through contact with the eyes. As the saying goes, why blend in when you were born to stand out?! If you have normal eyesight or you simply need a decoration, choose 0.00 / Plano.Consult your eye doctor to confirm the diopter counts before ordering.How to choose the right power if you are astigmatic?For example, if your Sphere (SPH) is -6.00, and your Cylinder (CYL) is -1.00, the power would suite you better will be -6.50. If you experience pain or discomfort from your contact lens, discontinue use immediately and consult your eye care professional.

This does not mean you don’t have to care for them just as you would any other lens. 0.00 ~ -8.00 Here at UNIQSO we have over 2000+ types of colored contact lenses that will help you instantly achieve a new look and complement your make-up. Rest assured, any colored contacts you order on our site are guaranteed safe as we only carry the highest-quality, authentic contact lenses.We stock a variety of lenses made from many different materials. 0.00 ~ -6.00 0.00 ~ -8.00 Skip to content. For example, if you suffer from dry eye syndrome, contacts may not be for you. 2.

Every once in a while, you’ve got to get out there and let yourself shine! Another great option is to switch to a daily disposable contact lens while the threat of Coronavirus is high. )Step 2: Hold up your upper eyelid and pull down your lower lid,then use the index finger to gently place the lens.Step 3: Look up and down, left and right after putting the lens in so that it will settle into place, then close your eye in a while.Step 4: Do again for the other eye through simple steps!1. (We also include a booklet with detailed instructions with every order).Try not to get frustrated if you can’t get the hang of the process straight away. 1 day, 90 days, 1 year). Soak for at least 4 hours. 0.00 ~ -6.00 Washing and disinfecting your hands before touching your colored contact lenses each time is a really important care step for everyday use. Take a break if you need it. We firmly believe this is not a listing for our website 'Coloured Contacts', and hope to be able to make this clearer for yourself and for other customers. Transform your look in the blink of an eye 0.00 ~ -8.00 Can anyone wear colour contact lenses? It’s always worth paying a visit to an optician if you’re having too much trouble – as we’re sure they’d be happy to help you out.

It will pay off in the end!
Toric colored contacts, which correct astigmatism, usually cost more as they are Putting in your contact lenses for the first time may seem like a scary process, but trust us when we say it couldn’t be simpler.