Even worse it steals your time and gives it to other people.Instead, spend these precious first moments of the day to do something that you find relaxing, such as walking your dog, meditating, or reading, This will help set calm and positive tone for your day, as opposed to a frantic start.This may take some discipline, but try to avoid your phone until after you’ve eaten breakfast.Want to get all all of you tasks done? He recently was recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as being one of the top marketers in the World. Every morning, ask myself: “If I do _______ I’ll feel successful / fulfilled when my head hits the pillow tonight.” I list out my 1-2 things, and then I make SURE I get those 1-2 things done before bed.
Every morning, ask myself:“If I do _______ I’ll feel successful / fulfilled when my head hits the pillow tonight.”I list out my 1-2 things, and then I make SURE I get those 1-2 things done before bed.This helps me zero in on my top priorities that will move my business forward.It’s also a “filter” that I use to reinforce the importance of the high-leverage activities in my mind, compared to anything else I may need to do that day.When you start your day with a specific intention, you’ll live your day more PROactively, instead of REactively.If you’re experiencing any stress or overwhelm, setting your daily intention should help you feel like you’re taking back control over your day and making real progress!Give it a try for the next few days and let me know if it makes a difference You should be working “in” your business because you WANT to…not because you HAVE to. Because I have too many other decisions to make,” President Obama told When you have fewer decisions to make your saving mental space and will have better productivity throughout the day.You also can’t have a productive day if you don’t wake-up feeling refreshed. You’re dragging the entire day.Establish a nighttime ritual where you limit or avoid stimulates like alcohol, caffeine, and electronics right before bed. Then make sure that they’re scheduled into your calendar.“I schedule out every 15 minutes of every day to conduct meetings, review materials, write, and do any activities I need to get done. Want to be in the same league as the most productive and Because we have a limited amount of willpower and decision-making abilities, you want to eliminate as many decision-making tasks in the morning. And yes…it’s absolutely possible and you

I’m trying to pare down decisions.

Instead, have a quiet and relaxing evening by meditating or reading.
Do This Every Morning To Lose Flabby Arms! Subscribe to Get My FREE Productivity Tools, Weekly Tips & StrategiesI got a LOT of emails back from my post earlier this week about “how to get out of overwhelm”.To take that message a step forward, I wanted to share one quick thing I do EVERY day that helps me to stay focused and on track.It’s kind of a spinoff of the 5-Minute Journal exercise (which I also do): “What would make today great?” – but it’s not that.I set a VERY specific intention for my business.

Doing so will help you lose focus. And while I take meetings with just about anyone who wants to meet with me, I reserve just one hour a week for these ‘office hours.’”Don’t forget to also schedule in breaks and your lunch.Obviously this doesn’t mean literally eating a frog. This allows us to spend more time doing the things we enjoy.

Do This Workout Every Morning - 11 Minute Total Body - YouTube Are you worried about saggy skin, … It’s a small task that gets your day off to an excellent start.“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day,” “Affirmations are short, powerful yet simple statements intended to help you manifest a particular goal,” Don’t just dive directly into emails, texts, and social media when you first wake-up. Think about those days when you only got 4 hours of sleep. This is why American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault It also explains why Mark Zuckerberg and President Obama had limited wardrobes.“You’ll see I wear only gray or blue suits.