Want to use Tiled map editor? Also since 2D is all you care about, I'm not sure why OpenGL even matters in this discussion, but you should know that with SDL you can either render with OpenGL or SDL. I think the SFML vs SDL question is one of those entirely subjective questions, unless you're asking for a very specific reason or need a very specific thing from your library. :-)fight code differences between XNA 3.0/4.0/MonogameIn my personal experience there is not much of a fight.
Of course, please do feel free to share links of tutorials/books/courses if you want. N'imagine pas faire un jeu facilement en travaillant avec tout seul.Il en est de meme avec les bibliotheque 2D que tu cites mais cette fois, il est plus envisageable de pouvoir realisser un petit jeu (charge de travail moins importante en 2D que en 3D).Si tu souhaite te lancer dans la creation d'un jeu (et d'un petit sinon oublie), tu devrais pouvoir le faire avec sfml qui semble le plus adapter en c++ ou alors te pencher sur unity (UE4 est tres chiant pour la 2D, il est adapte pour faire des gros projet principalement).Ce qu'il faut bien comprendre c'est que faire un jeu, c'est un boulot monstrueux.
SDL. I still would like something simple, but that I could use "on my own terms".

Nintendo Switch support, could be ported to other game console. Example: I've written extensively with SFML and am currently writing a game as a side job with it and professional job game in UE4.My opinion on SFML and SDL may not be better but a lot of features are missing. Similarly, I think Factorio at some point in time switched from Allegro to SDL. It feels more open and free and does less things for you. Unity or UE). Freedom and choice.SDL2 has better portability for more platforms than SFML. Almost every tutorial out there for XNA still applies to monogame.If you want to get started with monogame just follow the The only thing to note is that monogame is in a weird in-between-releases state right now - the installer sets up templates for Visual Studio 2017 but not 2019 (the latest version of VS). Cancel Save. If your game doesn't use any custom content types, all you need from NuGet are MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL and MonoGame.ContentBuilder (from memory so the names might not be exactly correct). They both have their pros and cons and you'll alwyas get 10 different answers from 10 different people. They don't usually use the built in 2D renderer, which isn't that customizable compared to SFML.

Which framework should I learn and why in your opinion?As I said, language should be C# (my preference) or C++; I'm interested in 2D specifically (so 3D capabilities are not important) and the framework should have good learning materials and tutorials so that I could go ahead and create a very small 2D Engine, create a small game and improve both things going forward.Any advice would be really appreciated! If you want to stick with 2017 everything just works out of the box, otherwise you can see Thanks. But also, I don't like to go too much low level, so learning Open GL or DirectX would be out of scope. Some other bullet points still apply:SFML: C++ vs. SDL C, which has somewhat of an impact to the API and how it "feels"Is it still true that SDL supports even more platforms?Some people claim it's not necessarily a one-way ticket: Some projects switch from SFML to SDL (and maybe vice-versa) in the midst of a project in development. I've experience in both C and C++ and started getting interested in smaller scale 2D game development. SDL2 is a defacto stable ABI for any program needing basic windowing and OS integration, with extremely wide platform support.Valve will keep SDL2 games working on Linux indefinitely, but if you use other stuff or roll your own, the you get no help there. GLFW and SFML don't seem to claim such support yet, but maybe I misunderstand the state of things.You can do it with SFML with a little headache. Administrator; Hero Member; Posts: 32387; Benchmark : SDL vs SFML « on: August 28, 2007, 02:41:56 pm » Hi everybody A lot of people wonder how SFML compares to SDL, that's why I wrote a small benchmark to compare a … The API of this kind of thing is not as important as other concerns.

By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I'm not sure what you mean with the content pipeline stuff to be leave out, Monogame changed that?Thanks for the link for Raylib, I will have a look :-)FYI there is also a .NET Core (C#) binding of SFML. I know my suggestion sounds very stupid, but a skeleton project with a moving sprite is very quick to set up, so why not?It's not battle-tested for commercial games probably, but depending on your use case, maybe you want to check out Raylib?

And something that has good learning materials/tutorials/books as I'm not very good with learning "just reading the wiki/APIs".I'm decently proficient with C# and somewhat rusty with C++, but I think any of the two languages would be fine (albeit I do prefer C# if given the option). SDL vs. SFML Engines and Middleware Programming. SDL and SFML seemed to be really the main ones which popped up. Infact the entire thing was written in C++, so I'm not sure I agree with the "C for SDL and C++ for SFML" argument.Anyways, now that we're in 2016 and we have both SDL2 and SFML2 what are some of you guys preferring to use? They pull double-duty as graphics and input libraries and (crucially) as compatibility layers.And regardless of interface, I guarantee you that SDL2 is Just Better at being a compatibility layer than pretty much anything else.

Plus, it's in C#!

Bonjour, J'apprends le c++ et je voudrais faire des jeux vidéos et d'autres choses. In the past I've studied Unity 3D and was thinking of getting into Unreal Engine, but along the way I felt frustrated because I was focusing more on how the engine works rather than creating a game. I prefer to use MonoGame through NuGet over using the project template anyway, so it can be used in multiple environments (Windows/VS and Linux/MonoDevelop).Overall, if you prefer C# over C++, I definitely recommend MonoGame.