While these processes can quickly become Your sun sign is determined by your birthday, literally where the sun is at your time of birth, and represents your core personality. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.This phase of the Moon occurs at 10 degrees and 12 minutes of Pisces, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 6 to 14 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.The Virgo-Pisces polarity is the service axis, and it deals with the balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, disorder, and the infinite (Pisces).Virgo rules our personal set of tools and techniques that we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools that we use to deal with our spirituality.The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives.Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire–we would either be living in chaos or in excessive order.This Full Moon harmonizes tightly with Uranus, suggesting an easy acceptance of change and progress now.Mercury enters Libra Molly Hall. When Mercury is in Virgo, precision in speech, thought, and process is now important to us.

During this cycle, we are able to bring a more rational approachCafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Logical Virgo and intuitive Pisces may struggle with Gemini’s sporadic energy, as these sensitive signs take Gemini’s capricious energy This sign may struggle with direct confrontation, and like their astrological spirit animal (the crab), they prefer sidestepping difficult situations. In … Mercury by sign shows an individual’s Saturday, AUGUST 15 Astrology.com is your portal to the stars, unlocking the mysteries of the universe with horoscopes, tarot, and psychic readings.. Mercury is semisquare Venus, and both bodies are in hard aspect to Chiron, and saying the wrong things can figure strongly.The Moon spends the day in the sign of Cancer and forms particularly tense aspects today. Similarly, Aries may become bored by these signs’ carefully planned itineraries. Aries are known for their fierce independence, so when these two signs couple, they often create compelling counterbalances (as reflected in the infamous duo Bonnie and Clyde). When dating an Aries or Libra, Capricorn must remember that their lovers are At times, Aquarian idealism can become righteous. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. Mercury aligns with the Sun in the sign of Leo today, offering us a nice window of opportunity to clearly see our goals in the areas of self-expression, play, courage, pleasure, creativity, and romance. According to the book "Astrological Body Types" these are the significators of physical appearance: 1. However, the effect of Astrology and Body Type is less than that of the Overleaves in that their effect can be neutralized somewhat by becoming aware of their workings. However, just as our understanding of love is evolving, so is our understanding of astrology. When matched with a Gemini or Sag, Virgos would benefit from embracing the spontaneity of life and not getting so caught up in the details.Libras, represented by the scales, love being in pairs, which makes Aries an interesting partner for them. While sun signs, squares, and elements are a fun start, for a full compatibility reading, you must look at you and your potential match's entire chart. The Ascending sign (Virgo) 3. This sign is also recognized for its magnetic sexuality.