Your E+Q slow trough the minion wave can set up for his ultimate. Even though I'm self-casting the item, there's still a slight delay before I get the heal and cleanse effect.As for its use in actual play, it can come in handy when you're alone getting chased by someone with CC like Morg Q or Taric E, Fiddlestick's fear, Annie's Tibbers, Ryze's W, but requires good timing and game sense (their movement can project their next move or intent).I heard Tina from bobs burgers. It doesn't remove You can use Crucible on yourself, but not if you are hard CC'd.You should note that under a suppression effect, the ONLY thing you can do is use QSS. Below I'll write some stuff down on my experiences with Lulu.yo im not even mad. Her stun and damage output can be quite strong tho. Contribute to iRaxeBackup/EloBuddy development by creating an account on GitHub. also in lower elo don't buy mikaels. Let your adc get caught instead, and if that happens polymorhp(W) the enemy adc to reduce their damage output. It's my personal approach to supporting.That doesn't mean that AP items are bad for support Lulu though. displacements (airborne status while knocked up is not changed by stasis however).

But besides that just practise dodging her abilities.It's hard to cancel his ultimate, so try not to get hit by his full combo by yourself. Go ask some more questions yourself so you can learn the no wonder 83 percent of the community is in silver/bronzeI don't think Vynertje questioned that advice because he thought you were saying it was mandatory, he just thinks it's bad advice. Honestly I mostly pop it for healing, … But besides that he's able to lock you down and apply a lot of damage together with his ad. You can help him by slowing the enemy to make him hit his skillshots better.Jhin is not too bad to play with you, but I think other support synergize better. Bait it out when you can and try trading after that (if needed)Mage supports.. As most engaging supports I take guardian vs this matchup. It will remove ignite, exhaust, probably snowball, not sure about red smite DOT. Removed – Unique Passive: Grants 100% base health regen per 5 seconds if your current health percentage is lower than your current mana percentage.Grants 100% base mana regen per 5 seconds if your current mana percentage is lower than your current health percentage. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Polymorhp(W) the enemy adc so yours can recover and abuse the cooldowns whenever you can.If you're able to dodge his abilities and get his mana low you sure can do things in this lane. In case she's been very deadly you could get crucible to save your ally from her root and damage. does the final part of the ult damage.Malz - if you orange his ult, just go fucking kill him since he will still do damage to you up to ~1200 range (+/- 200).Qss, oranges, Alistar's ult I believe and for sure Olaf's ult.You can use all summoners except for flash and teleport under all forms of crowd control except stasis and suppression.Cleanse does not remove suppression or Zed/Fiora ultimates. Wow he even donated a ward. Did this guide help you? Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? Her jumping in with your shield and possibly W gives her great burst and as she jumped into the enemy your R will knock them up too!If the Kai'sa decided to jump into the enemy you can help her out with your R. You give her a little more mobility she could very much use, and the attack speed for more passive stacks.Because you're very good at protecting I think draven is a good combo, you give him more mobility and survivability to let him do his damage.I don't have much to say about this synergy, but she's able to survive even better than she could before.