Thanks for updating!Immediately going to test this out tonight, how is the VR support?I'll be honest with you, I have no idea.

I'm currently going through some very basic tutorials on shaders but then I open your 40kb scripts and can't believe I'll ever be able to write something like that.I think he made it in Shader Forge, which is a node based shader tool which generates massive amounts of (often unnecessary) code for youEdit: With that said, it's a great way to get started making shaders and prototype them but if you want to be able to optimize and be in full control you better learn coding :)I tried using the last version of this shader but couldn't get it to look right--looking forward to trying this new version!
The biggest being that there doesn't seem to be a way to have it build one water surface exactly how I want it in the correct position. In that case use Deferred Legacy render path or add a dummy light with shadows enabled. Find this & more VFX Shaders on the Unity Asset Store. If you downloaded the latest version you can delete Complex.cs.Was recording with Fraps - V 3.5.99, an older version - and was consistently getting anomalies in buoyancy. Now to figure out if I can combine this with actual polygonal waves somehow...May I ask how one learns how to code such impressive shaders? I just wanted to finish the speed optimizations.I am not sticking to the tile mesh. The Android being the hardest to add NEON acceleration.I decided to pick this up and give it a shot to see how it would work in my game. ... Water sea Performance IOS Android webgl uWater mobile water shader ocean shader Water shader. edit: Nevermind the renderqueue rant. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I think it should work.It's kind of strange it doesn't animate by itself, you have to manually move the 'scroll' sliders? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Like a building in the middle of a city.Can't believe I missed this thread.

Quick video of my current Ocean Shader progress. Ocean Shader Project .

I'm trying to show underwater details and it's just not working.

But this depends on the platform. Universal Ocean Shader Graph.

in the Unity community.Hi. To represent these wind waves, we'll make new shader that displaces mesh vertices vertically, using a sine wave function.

Find this & more VFX Shaders on the Unity Asset Store. Open Scenes/SampleScene.unity; Play "Water" GameObject has a Material of the Shader Graph. A Unity support forum thread can be found here that details the current state of development.

"...but it's digital, and isn't wet" Like my girlfriend!No, in that case it would be “but it doesn’t exist”​ It's a lightweight water shader that looks great :)Thanks for the support in making this! nasos_333, Oct 27, 2019 #6.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It's a lightweight water shader that looks great :) Shader now has a transparent version with refraction and 'depth fog' or 'murkiness'.. zip file includes two shaders (forward and deferred), instructions on setting them up, a free normal map, and some preview images that look pretty.Thanks for the support in making this! Other methods will come. Get the Water Ocean Shader Optimized package from Corvostudio di Amadei Marco and speed up your game development process. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Discord for news/updates/discussions: Twitter: @crest_ocean URP asset: Crest Ocean System URP HDRP asset: Crest Ocean System HDRP A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine. I just wanted to finish the speed optimizations.Great, like river up down slope will be nice additionImpressive work so far for sure. Lars-Steenhoff likes this. 162 votes, 26 comments.
On large bodies of water—like an ocean of big lake—the wind can create big waves that can persist for a long time. I'm just curious why it needs to follow anything? Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers. 6. "...but it's digital, and isn't wet" Like my girlfriend!No, in that case it would be “but it doesn’t exist”​ It's a lightweight water shader that looks great :)Thanks for the support in making this! I am getting now 0.5-1.2 ms for the core. Is there a way to get the water tiles to be exactly the way I want them?Okay. That instructs Unity to create a separate shadow caster pass for our shader that also uses our vertex displacement function.