It’s probably good they don’t as they don’t have any teeth, but whatever, Angelica likes to taunt them anyway.

(When the Roman soldiers gave them the books of Plato I honestly thought they were Bibles for a minute which I know makes no sense because Jesus didn’t exist yet but still I thought it was little funny). Chaz mentions that his Christmases were disappointing because he only got a rubber glove and a tongue depressor, and hopes it won’t be the same for Chuckie.

Chuckie’s dad is there but he doesn’t actually say anything, although I guess this counts as his first appearance anyway.

I wonder if he had anything to do with this movie.

Also he’s standing next to a mystery woman. Also, your parents were ret-conned in the later seasons to be super nice so I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

SO this episode made an impression on me as a little kid but for a really weird reason.

That freaks out Angelica, but honestly, she should know this already, being three she should have had three Christmases by now. Maybe I’m just a whacko. I feel like this is an episode of Good Idea, Bad Idea from Animaniacs.

Look how excited Chaz and Drew are.

Drew and Charlotte didn’t take her as a younger toddler?

It’s probably good they don’t as they don’t have any teeth, but whatever, Angelica likes to taunt them anyway.

She abandons him again once he stops crying, but when she lifted him up he was able to see where his ball landed - a few houses over.

Angelica begins the story by building up a big, old, creepy house on a hill that nobody lived in but had a light coming from the attic.

Rugrats Chanukah Special, yay! Not to knock on Didi’s plans, but having your cousin and uncle sleep over is not exactly your first slumber party, that’s just relatives staying over. Christmas is awesome! A REAL slumber party is when you get invited to someone’s house and there’s like fifty other girls you barely know and somehow you end up coerced into a fashion show even though you’d rather kill yourself and you’re forced to watch terrible horror movies like Candy Man and someone ends up crying at least once. So I don’t know, it’s weird. Take that, kids!


I find it a little strange that Stu and Didi and the rest of the parents are taking the babies to see a movie in the theater when they are all only one year old (or two years old in Chuckie’s case).

Good idea. Again, two seconds rewound over and over because watching it made my brain happy. Obviously Stu’s tinkering in the basement somehow created some kind of timewarp. Although watching it now as an adult I never realized how annoying Ickus’ voice is.