
For a German it was a typical "dumb" American show (it's interesting to see how Germans perceive American TV, because they typically see it dubbed into German, which usually destroys wordplays and witty humor, leaving only a "stupid" version).Edit: To get an idea how horrible the dub was...here's the Why does Seinfeld sound like he was sped up or on helium?But it didn't seem that bad, perhaps only because I know the original so well.That explains a lot, I always thought a dubbed version would be very difficult to get right. The show got moved around a lot, different channels, different airtimes in the middle of the night. It's even less known in Germany. This is not a surprise though - the dub was horrible, it ran very late, and the jokes didn't even remotely translate. I wonder how many cylinders of helium were used in the making of Jerry's voice. Staffel der Komödie Seinfeld aus dem Jahr 1990 mit Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus und Michael Richards. 100% Legal Sofort Werbefrei Nach Ablauf der kostenlosen Testphase wird das Angebot nicht automatisch kostenpflichtig verlängert. IMDB-Wertung 7.0 4,690 votes.

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At first, she said she remembered watching Seinfeld many years ago (in Germany) and found it completely unfunny and I shouldn't be bothering to watch it - then after a couple of episodes, she caught on and absolutely loved it.I think it's a case of bad dubs ruining the show, as usual. He occasionally told me about the show and tried to convince me to watch it. So, the dub isn't After Seinfeld, my brother and I continued with Curb Your Enthusiasm. Only the first season was dubbed to German, but I never saw it anywhere on TV. While I haven't seen it in German, I can imagine that a character like Kramer loses all appeal with a shitty monotone voice dubbed over the top.Solution? He gave me "The Contest" and "The Outing" as appetizers.


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I liked those episodes, but it wasn't "love at first sight".

Es gibt keine vergleichbare Serie, die den Alltag des American Way of Life witziger und entlarvender aufs Korn nimmt als 'Seinfeld…

However, before we got together, she didn't get a lot of the New York-centric references (like Costanza working for George Steinbrenner).I know it from Reddit, seen some videos of it on youtube but never really watched it myself.As was already said, Seinfeld is not well-known in Germany. Volle Unterstützung aller barrierefreien Funktionen: Untertitel und Hörfilm-Aufnahme. Sein Nachbar Cosmo Kramer ist Bagel-Bäcker, befindet sich aber seit Jahren im Streik und nervt Jerry und George ständig mit irgendwelchen absurden Plänen und Erfindungen. He became a fan, too. It was only moved to an earlier slot in I just finished watching most of the entire 9 seasons with my German wife, in English.

Mai 1989.

But that's not absolutely necessary to enjoy the show.

Originaler Titel Jerry Before Seinfeld.

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Folgen (5) Sortieren nach. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out...New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castEnglish-language discussions and news relating to Germany and German culture.Press J to jump to the feed. Es gibt keine vergleichbare Serie, die den Alltag des American Way of Life witziger und entlarvender aufs Korn nimmt als 'Seinfeld'.

It really is a great and funny show. Feedback. Teilen. The show got moved around a lot, different channels, different airtimes in the middle of the night. My friend explained some of those things to me and for everything else there's Wikipedia.I introduced my younger brother to Seinfeld.

Hauptdarsteller und Autor Jerry Seinfeld avancierte aufgrund der Serie zu einem Megastar und einem der bestbezahltesten Fernsehdarsteller der Welt, Jahres...YouTV nutzt Cookies, um bestmögliche Funktionalität rund um das TV Programm und deinen Videorekorder bieten zu können.Das beste Produkt seiner Klasse.

Regisseur. Seinfeld Staffel 3 stream Deutsch Die 3. Der Testsieger in Qualität und Leistung. It'll completely change their perspective.Sure, it just wasn't that big of a phenomena that it was to the Americans.

0. Seinfeld.

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