
Inside: exact steps to follow, 5-minute video tutorial, and proven word-for-word examples so you can make sure your elevator pitch is ready to impress. Its purpose is to explain the concept quickly and clearly to spark interest in who you are and what you do. You should be able to answer the questions “Who are you?” and “What do you do?” in a way that’s relevant and exciting to whoever you’re talking to andin one sentence. Elaborate on what would make you an awesome candidate. This is your moment to not only introduce yourself and your services or skills, but also explain the benefit recipients get out of it.

So it makes sense to spend some time looking at elevator pitch examples and honing your pitch to perfection. It’s important to indicate that you are working towards where you see yourself in the future.3.

As they say you only get one chance to make a first impression. It’s important to indicate that you are working towards where you see yourself in the future. 2. Afterward, change it according to what feels most natural.“Hi, my name is ___________ and I’m a ___________ (year in school) at ___________ (high school) in ___________ (town and state, if applicable).

Start off your elevator pitch with an introduction and something that will differentiate you from a crowd. You may want to change up your “hook,” so to speak, depending on who you’re delivering your pitch to. 30 or 60 seconds is about as long as your elevator speech should take. Use the templates above to help you get an elevator pitch rolling and then make the phrasing flow so you don’t come across as reading from a script. This can be anything from a fact about school (what you’re studying/plan to study in college) to something that will create common ground with the person whom you’re speaking with (“I’m from ______, too!”). If your story aligns with their story show that give examples and pitch them on taking you on. This is an important thing to highlight in a pitch; experience speaks miles beyond grades and numbers.4. Condensing your work history into 25 words or less can be challenging - it is a mere, short, single sentence or two, so make sure you have the right information in there to catch your readers’ attention. Be sure you compare your summary to the requirements of the job you are applying for. Do you remember what the interview process was like? While what you delivered may not fall exactly within the confines of the typical elevator pitches you’re familiar with, it’s likely that, as a student, you have the elements to put a professional one together.Simply stated, all students should have an elevator pitch up their sleeves. One way to make writing your own resume summary statement easier. Whether you realized it or not, you probably presented something along the lines of an elevator pitch in the interview typically after the “so tell me about yourself” part. Explain why you are qualified for the position (or whatever it is you’re working towards). It’s called the elevator pitch because it’s meant to represent the amount of time you’d have if you were stuck in an elevator with someone riding from the bottom of the building to the top. I am interested in  ___________ as a possible career path. It is aptly named because it should be possible to work it into conversation during a short elevator ride. Step-by-step guide for how to write the best elevator pitch for job searching, job interviews, networking events, career fairs, and more. Don’t forget to hand out your business card as the cherry on top of the lasting impression you’ve just created. Talk about some activities and extracurriculars you’ve … The whole point of an elevator pitch is to sell yourself. Ask who would be best to contact for a job opportunity, internship, or even a job shadow or practice interview. In a nutshell it’s just what it sounds like: a short, 30-60 second well crafted business pitch telling someone who you are and why they should want to hire you. Have you ever been hired for a job or internship? Finish off your pitch with a question. During your formative years as a student, you’re constantly evolving and your elevator pitch will, in turn, do the same. I enjoy doing  ___________ in my free time.So, while those may be a little robotic and rough around the edges, you get the point.

If you’re at a loss for how to begin crafting your elevator pitch, utilize the following fill in the blank structure to get a feeling for how you would phrase things. Your summary may just be keywords or it may be a short paragraph, either way, it needs to convey your message. For example, you might write: 1. 3. If you know something about them and can pinpoint similarities between the two of you, highlight these.

Share about a particularly interesting course you’re enrolled in, somewhere you’re volunteering, or an organization that relates back to your dream career. Be sure to mention your goals and career aspirations. You may want to change up your “hook,” so to speak, depending on who you’re delivering your pitch to. Elevator pitch (also known as an elevator speech) is a short, persuasive speech you use to introduce yourself, your product, or your company. As was true for the pitch, people have short attention-spans so your summary helps hook them and convinces them to read on.
Highlight your stand-out features. How are these propelling you forward? Having an elevator pitch will take away some of the struggle and stress that can come about when you suddenly feel at a loss for words. In the corporate world, we call this your elevator pitch.


This short (approximately 30-60 seconds) speech is used to initiate a conversation about your career interests in a networking situation.

To prepare your one sentence, I suggest making a list of all the things you are and do (it may feel silly, but I promise it’s helpful!).
But nonetheless, a deliverable elevator pitch is achievable and important.Even though an elevator pitch will be in a constant state of development (while you’re in school, at least) it’s important that you don’t deem creating one as a waste of time. Graduate of the Culinary Institute … Remember that this is okay. Ever had to prepare an elevator pitch where selling an idea needed to … Specifics will be your ally.