The fact that the album both begins and ends with instrumentals symbolize birth and death.

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The album's first single is "Make My" featuring Big K.I.R.T.

Its reverse-chronological narrative discusses his short, tragic life set in urban poverty.

About “Dun” (Unreviewed) If the album is understood as the telling in reverse of Redford’s life up until his suicide then this song represents his soul after departure.

Undun quickly reaffirms the creativity of the outfit that are notorious for pushing the envelope. 5

Dun Through the use of emotives and Redford’s internal dialogues the album seeks to

The Roots, also known as The Legendary Roots Crew, The Square Roots and The Foundation, are an influential, Grammy winning hip hop group based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, famed for a heavily jazzy sound and live instrumentation.

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A visionary film director with an activist’s spirit, Ava DuVernay makes art that is rooted in her conscious.


Expanding on the indie influence of the band's How I Got Over (2010), the album's music is characterized by snare-driven beats, neo soul elements, keyboard soundscapes, strings, choral arrangements, and tight dynamics.

If the album is understood as the telling in reverse of Redford’s life up until his suicide then this song represents his soul after departure. 2