All rights reserved. That one is a traitor.That person can be someone you love and want to stay with for life.

It’s of no worth to keep feelings of anger and frustration bottled up inside if there’s a possibility that the “betrayal” might just be a big misunderstanding. You believe in their dignity.

When you are betrayed, you will be sad.
One of God’s greatest gifts to humanity is the healing property of sleep. Try sleeping on it. These feelings will eventually fade and pass and you’ll then be glad you stopped yourself from inflicting similar suffering to the one who betrayed you.One of God’s greatest gifts to humanity is the healing property of sleep. This is rarely a productive endeavor that will truly solve anything. When you are betrayed, you will be sad.
What might seem like an obvious betrayal to one might be viewed as a misunderstood perspective to another. Why A ‘Broken Heart’ Is So Painful And How To Help It Heal

The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. Whatever the case may be, when you need emotional, physical or social help, you can get it if you ask for it. Naturally, when you’re going through such an experience, you’re going to be an emotionless rock, which will, in turn, prevent those around you from devising a healthy strategy to help you, unless you ask for it.You will need sufficient time to process everything that has happened and this will greatly vary depending on the specific circumstances.Firstly, you would just have to do your best to cope with the emotional mess inside while maintaining some semblance of a normal life. After all, you still have responsibilities to tend to.As time goes by, you’ll overcome the initial shock and begin to heal your emotional scars. Suddenly they just public what you want to keep in secret in order to underestimate you and make you broken. And the more you pick at it, the more likely you are to carry that pain into the rest of your life.Resist the temptation to get back at them.

Suddenly they take advantage of your beliefs to deceive you, to play tricks to your job. That system could be made up of as little as one person or as many as 10. Be sure, when you wake up, you’ll have a clearer, sharper way of looking at the situation.When the pain of betrayal has sunken its teeth into you, the best short term solution is to avoid the person responsible as much as physically – and electronically – possible.This translates to not seeing them, not texting them, and withholding the urge to check their social media every 5 minutes.It’s imperative that you take time away and break all connections with that person.Eventually, your emotions will begin to fade as the raging fire in you becomes mere embers. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. When … In fact, it will only prolong the pain and delay the healing process.Retaliation is similar to picking a scab: it will only expose the wound once more and cause you further, unnecessary pain. And although you will never forget it, it will not hold you captive for life.People have different points of view. Friends Who Liked This Quote. Give them an opportunity to explain. Suddenly they have a different relationship while still in a relationship with you.

Most times by someone close to us: a parent, a sibling, a best friend, It is undeniably painful, and if you are not able to deal with it effectively, it crushes you slowly and insidiously, affecting all spheres of your life in ways you could not have imagined possible.Over time, however, as you work your way through the pain, it will lessen and one day you will be able to rid yourself of it. That’s the one who betrays you.That person can be a partner who has worked with you for a long time, long enough for you to understand and believe them. Read more quotes from Anonymous. Then one day, they do the opposite of what you believed.That person can be your close friend for many years, you can share all your secrets to him/her. It comes from friends and loved ones.