I don't like them," Khawam said, "How does someone disappear on a base that has more protection and safeguards than anyone else on the planet? "But I assure you that she is okay now. "Our beautiful Vanessa Guillen is in heaven," said her cousin.Get breaking news alerts and special reports. Her dismembered "It's very difficult for me to be standing here during my sister's memorial service," said Lupe in Spanish. "Guillen’s sister, Mayra, said she met the soldier who killed himself, and claimed she felt something was off with him.The sister alleged the superior laughed in her face when she visited Fort Hood to ask for any updates on her sister’s disappearance. She reports, writes and produces stories for NBC Latino and NBCNews.com.Seven ROTC military members carried in the casket decorated with Virgin Mary portraits as well as the flags of the United States and Mexico.

""How could this happen on a military base? Houston, texas – vanessa guillen sarg ist in der aula ihrer houston high school für ein öffentliches denkmal das leben der fort hood soldier.a prozession feiern, die schatulle säge guillen an cesar chavez high school in einer pferdekutsche vorankommen die mittag ct beginn der gedenkstätte service.guillen findet an ihrer alma mater bei 8501 howard drive houston. That's why he never leaves us," said Ge'La in Spanish.The day-long memorial service is expected to end at 8 p.m. with more speeches from members of the Guillen family and praises to God as well as a living rosary prayer, according to the family.A caravan honoring Guillen is planned for 5 p.m. Saturday, ahead of a private funeral service and burial.Nicole Acevedo is a reporter for NBC News Digital. And I admire her for my life, because Vanessa Guillen is the definition of beauty: strength, warrior, a life. ""Vanessa Guillen is the definition of beauty and strength," she said. ""My sister Vanessa Guillen was harassed but nothing was done. On one occasion, Guillen's superior apparently walked in on her while she was showering and sat down Credit: Fort Hood/U.S. How can this happen while she was on duty?"

Lupe asked angrily.Vanessa went missing at work on April 22 at the Regimental Engineer Squadron Headquarters on the military base.Her keys, wallet, and ID card were all found in the room where she worked, investigators said.The Army Criminal Investigation Command and the League of United Latin American Citizens Anyone with information on the incident is asked to contact Army CID Special Agents at 254-287-2722, or the Man in his 20s dies of BUBONIC PLAGUE after catching the rare condition R Kelly's manager 'threatened mass shooting at cinema showing sex crime doc' Trump asked by reporter 'do you regret all the lying' in bizarre outburst Ghislaine 'at serious risk of being beaten or killed by fellow prisoners' Trump rips ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden for ‘never taking questions’Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed Vanessa Guillen, 20, was last seen at Fort Hood military base in Texas on April 22 Guillen's sister is seen here speaking to the public about the 20-year-old's disappearance The family attorney says Guillen was sexually harassed by a superior but was too afraid to report it On one occasion, Guillen's superior apparently walked in on her while she was showering and sat down Soldiers are pictured here searching a river as they look for Guillen Guillen's family has called for a congressional investigation What happened to Vanessa Guillen and have the Fort Hood soldier's remains been found? "But I know she must be up in heaven giving me the strength I need. "Cesar E. Chavez High School staff and teachers paid their respects to Vanessa, while practicing social distancing, after Lupe's speech.Singer Ge'La sang soothing Catholic gospel songs after giving a moving speech for Gloria Guillen, Vanessa's mother, and the rest of the family.