3: The
Night Sky - II

- The changing
sky (continued)
- Using RA and
Dec to find objects
- In-class
planetarium demonstration
- Magnitudes
- Fluxes and

Astronomers use equatorial coordinates to locate objects on
the celestial sphere.
Right Ascension (RA or a)
- Equivalent to
- RA is measured
in hours
- The range is
from 0 to 24 hours increasing on sky towards the east.
- The "zero
point" is towards the constellation Pices.
Declination (Dec or d)
- Equivalent to
- Dec is measured
in degrees.
- The zero is on
the equator
- North Pole = 90
deg. , South Pole = -90 deg.
- The equatorial
(celestial) coordinate system is fixed on the sky.
- The coordinates
of the stars and constellations do not change (ignoring precession).
- Since it is an
"earth-centered" system the coordinates of the sun do change.
The diagram below illustrates the definition of RA along the
equatorial plane and show the ecliptic plane and north celestial pole.

The diagram below illustrates the definition of RA along the
equatorial plane and show the ecliptic plane and north celestial pole.


and the
Definitions and the Seasons
The ecliptic intersects the equatorial plane at two
locations, the vernal equinox (0 hr RA) and autumnal equinox
(12 hr RA).
As the earth moves around the sun, the sun changes position
in the sky relative to the background stars. Thus the RA of the sun
changes every day.
For instance, on the first day of spring the sun is at the
location of the vernal equinox, RA = 0 hr. On the first day of fall the
sun appears in the direction of the autumnal equinox, RA = 12 hr.
The table below summarizes the location of the sun at the
beginning of each season.
Sun's RA
first day of
0 hr
Vernal Equinox
summer solstice
6 hr
first day of
12 hr
Autumnal equinox
winter solstice
18 hr

The figure
below shows the location of the earth relative to the sun on the first
day of fall. At local midnight an observer (for instance, you!) is
standing on the opposite side of the earth from the sun and RA = 0 hr
is crossing the meridian. Looking to the eastern horizon you see RA = 6
hr while looking to the western horizon you see RA = 18 hr.
RA = 0 hr on
the meridian at midnight on Sep. 21.

The arrows
indicate the direction of the celestial sphere of RA = 0, 6, 12, and 18
hr. Note that the earth is not located at RA = 0 hr in this
diagram. The equatorial coordinate system is centered on the earth, so
the RA and Dec of the earth have no meaning.

The Revolving Earth and the Changing Sky
Since the earth revolves around the sun, at the same
time each night, a different RA will be on the meridian at different
times of the year.
For instance at midnight for the following dates, the RA's
on the meridian are:
- Sep. 21 ===>
0 hr
- Dec. 21 ===>
6 hr
- Mar. 21 ===>
12 hr
- June 21 ===>
18 hr
The two figures below show "snapshots" of the sun-earth
system on the first day of winter and spring.
RA = 6 hr on
the meridian at midnight on Dec. 21.
RA = 12 hr
on the meridian at midnight on Mar. 21.

The Rotating Earth and the Changing Sky
As the earth rotates on its axis, the stars move
through the sky over the course of a night. Like the sun, planets, and
the moon, the stars rise in the east and set in the west due to the
earth's rotation.
Consider the case illustrated below. At midnight, RA = 0 hr
is on the meridian. As the earth turns, the observer moves. The graphic
illustrates the location of the observer at 4:00 AM. Now RA = 4 hr is
on the meridian and RA = 0 hr will appear west of the meridian to the
On the first day of fall (Sep. 21), RA = 0 hr on the
meridian at midnight. At 4:00 AM, RA = 4 hr will been on the meridian.
Six months later on the first day of sping (Mar. 21), RA =
12 hr is on the meridian at midnight. At 4:00 AM, RA = 16 hr will been
on the meridian.

of the
The figure below gives an overview of the different parts of
the sky you can view different times of the year.
All observers (people) are shown at local midnight, except
for the fall where observers are shown at midnight, 4:00 AM, and noon.

of the
Your general knowledge tells you that objects (sun, moon,
stars, etc.) rise in the east, cross the meriadian overhead, and set in
the west.
Due to the revolution of the earth about the sun, these
events happen earlier each successive night. Thus
- Each night a
given object will pass over the meridian 4 minutes earlier.
- This
corresponds to 2 hours earlier each month, or 24 hours in one year.
- Objects rise
and set earlier each day.
At a given
time, the RA crossing the meridian increases by 4 min. per day.
Example 1:
motion over the night
Suppose you see
a star on the meridian at midnight. As you watch it, it moves to the
west. So if you went out at 3:00 AM you would find the star west of the
meridian. Likewise, if you had gone out earlier you would find the star
east of the meridian.
Example 2:
motion over several months
Suppose you
observe a star on the meridian tonight at midnight. One month from now
you go out to look at the sky at the same time. The star would now
appear in the west. In fact, it would be "2 hours over" to the west.
(Note that the sky at 2:00 AM tonight will be the same as the sky at
midnight one month from now!)

of the
RA = 0 hr on the meridian at midnight on Sep. 21. At 4:00
AM, RA = 4 hr will be on the meridian. As illustrated in the figure
below this change is produced by the rotation of the earth.

of the
As illustrated below, when the earth has revolve around the
sun by 180 degrees (6 months). There is a new view of the sky. RA =
12hr on the meridian at midnight on Sep. 21. At 4:00 AM, RA = 16 hr
will be on the meridian.


You can either know when the constellation an object is in
is up or you can use the RA of the object to figure out when it is up.
The first figure below illustrates the constellation approach while the
second figure illustrates the RA approach.
Memorizing constellations and their availability is one way
to tell when an object is visible.

Learning how to
use an objects RA to determine visibility makes things much easier.
(Although maybe not as much fun.)


On what date is Orion on the meridian at midnight? At
3:00 AM? At 9:00 PM?
For the Orion Nebula (M42), RA = 5.5 hr, Dec = -5.5 degrees
RA =6 hr transits at midnight on Dec 21.
- => Orion
transits at midnight on Dec 14.
- Orion transits
at 3:00 a.m. on Oct. 31.
- Orion transits
at 9:00 p.m. on Jan 28.

Example 1
What RA is on the meridian at a given date and time?
What RA is on the meridian at 3:00 am on Feb. 21?
- Dec. 21 -- 6 hr
on meridian at midnight
- Feb 21 -- 2
months later
=> add 4 hr
=> 10 hr overhead at midnight
- At 3:00 AM
=> 3 hr later, 13 hr on the meridian

Example 2
On what day does a given RA cross meridian at a specific
A constellation is at RA = 14 hr. On what day will it cross
the meridian at 9:00 PM?
- When 14 hr
crosses the meridian at 9:00 PM, 17 hr crosses the meridian at
- On Mar 21: 12
hr crosses the meridian at midnight.
- 17 - 12 = 5
=> 2.5
months (10 weeks)
=> June 7

More on
- Circumpolar objects can be
visible any time of the year
- Example:
Polaris, the pole star.
- Southerly
objects are best observed during transit,
that is, when they cross the meridian.

What's "up" tonight?
- Go to the
A101/103 "Interesting
Astronomy Sites" list for links to what's happening in the sky.
- Observing
- Best nights are
when the Moon is absent.
- Get away from
city glare.
- Get dark
adapted (about > 20 minutes)
- Use a "red
light" to look at star charts/maps so you keep your night vision
- Observing
- Try to pick out
some "easy" constellations such as the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper,
Cygnus, and Cassiopea.
- Planets follow
close to the ecliptic (the path of the sun through the sky)
- Remember,
planets don't twinkle
- We will discuss
specific object to observe in class.

- We would like a
way of specifying the relative brightness of stars.
- Hipparchus
devised a the magnitude system 2100 years ago to classify stars
according to their apparent brightness.
- He labeled 1080
stars as class 0, 1,.. 6.
- 0 was the
brightest, 1 the next brightest, etc.

- The magnitude
scale is logarithmic.
- An increase in
magnitude by 2.5 means an object is a factor of 10 dimmer, e.g.
- A zero mag star
is 10 times brighter than a 2.5 mag star.
- A zero mag star
is 100 times brighter than a 5 mag star.

Reminders about Logarithms
The table below list some sample base 10 logarithms.
of 10
(10) = 1
101 = 10
(1) = 0
100 = 1
(0.1) = -1
10-1 = 0.1
(2) = 0.3
100.3 = 2
(3) ~ 0.5
100.5 ~ 3
(5) = 0.7
100.7 = 5
Note: If
we have z = 10x, then x is the
logarithm (base 10) of z. If z = ey then y is the
natural logarithm (base e, e = 2.71828) of z. Base 10 logarithms are
usually written as log10 or log, while nature logarithms are designated
with ln.
Reminder: We have 10x
* 10y = 10x+y.
To multiply (divide) two numbers, add (subtract) their logarithms and
take the anti-logarithm. In numerical terms, if x = log(A) and y =
log(B) then C = A*B can be determined from C = 10x+y.

The apparent visual magnitude of some of the brightest
objects in the sky are given below.

A dark adapted person with good eyesight can see to ~6th
Hubble Space Telescope can observe objects at ~30 mag.
times fainter than the eye!

Further suggestions on sky gazing
- Go to a dark
spot, away from city lights
- Large city has
3.5 mag limit.
- Country has 5.5
mag limit.
- Mountains have
6.5 mag limit.
- Get dark
adapted (worth repeating)
- This can take
up to 45 minutes.
- Use a "red
light" to look at star charts/maps so you keep your night vision