1. The Sub-Regional European Astronomical Committee (SREAC) was established within the framework of the project "Enhancing astronomical research and observation in South-East Europe and Ukraine" of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science in Europe (UNESCO-ROSTE).

Aims and objectives

2. The main objective of SREAC is to elaborate and implement a sub-regional strategy for the development of astronomy in South-East Europe and Ukraine and to strengthen astronomical co-operation in the sub-region, and between the region and countries outside.

3. To this end, SREAC shall carry out the following:
   - foster bilateral and multilateral collaboration between participating and other institutions;
   - address issues concerning the training and mobility of young researchers in astronomy;
   - organize sub-regional research workshops on given themes;
   - identify priority areas for research co-operation and elaborate projects to be carried out by participating research institutions;
   - prepare appropriate joint project proposals to be submitted to funding sources;
   - identify ways and means of sharing experience and research facilities, including the preparation of inventories of expertise and infrastructure;
   - seek better access to scientific literature and research data.

4. SREAC may set up working groups to pursue any of these activities.

5. The Committee will seek cooperation with the European Astronomical Society (EAS) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Membership.

6. SREAC shall be made up of two named representatives of each participating country*; these representatives having full voting rights may nominate replacements if they themselves are unable to attend the meetings.

7. SREAC may co-opt other senior experts in astronomical research and related fields in order to cover specific areas of interest. These experts shall be Associate Members of SREAC, without the right to vote.

8. A Member of SREAC may resign at any time, and shall be replaced by a national from the same country.

9. A representative of UNESCO-ROSTE may attend meetings of SREAC as observer, without the right to vote

Conduct of business

10. SREAC shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary, each of whom shall serve on the committee for a period of two calendar years, after which the offices shall be rotated to representatives of other member countries.

11. SREAC shall be convened at least once a year by the Chairperson, or upon the request of four of its members.

12. Decision-making shall be achieved as far as possible by consensus. Matters put to a vote shall be decided upon by a simple majority of all members present, officers included.

13. The Summary Record of each meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary and submitted to members for review. Modification of Statutes.

14. These statutes may be amended by a decision of the Committee taken by a majority of the Members present and voting.