DOUBLE GALAXIES KARCHENTSEV DOUBLE GALAXIES Karachentsev's Catalog of Double Galaxies includes
603 double systems. In recent years the radial velocities of galaxies have been
defined and the mass determinations of the components of galaxies have been
derived. With very few exceptions spectrophotometric data for double galaxies
are not available. Pairs of galaxies are the simplest systems of
galaxies. The study of such systems is of great interest because of the different rates of evolution and
gravitational and star burst effects. There is a strong evidence the double galaxies arised together and their
evolution elapsed via parallel ways. We have begun an investigation of star formation in different types of galaxies - HSBG, Arakelian- and Markarian galaxies using IRAS data. Pairs of galaxies are the only reason to look for some differences in the star formation of the components of the same system. For the beginning we have chosen Karachentsev pairs of galaxies (KarGs). The overall list of Karachentsev contains 603 pairs. a) The IR
KarGs are a sample of normal galaxies with on average high IR luminosities -
<LgLIR> ~ 43.60; b) We
might expect an increasing or constant SFR than a decreasing one. This could
be explained with the influence of the neighbour in the pair; c) To
detect IR fluxes from KarGs there have to exist 1E+3 to 1E+8 Mo
dust in these galaxies.
For the arbitrary ratio gas/dust
ca. 100 this leads to 1E+5 - 1E+10 Mo gas; d) The
star formation activity in Karachentsev double galaxies is lower then in
Arakelian-, HSBG or
Markarian ones and is similar to the SFR in bright spiral galaxies in
DOUBLE GALAXIES We carried out a detailed spectrophotometry covering the red spectrum along the Ηα line on spectra with a dispersion of 100-200 Å.mm-1 (a resolution of 5-10 Å) for the following galaxies: Karachentsev 288a, b (Petrov et al, 1981), Karachentsev 466a = NGC 5929 (Yankulova et al, 1980), Karachentsev 570b = NGC 7339 (Petrov et al., 1984), and Karachentsev 578a = NGC7537 (Petrov et al., 1983). Spectrophotometric data for 31 galaxies from the
list of Karachentsev (1972), based on ca. 100 scans in the region of
λλ 3700-5300 Å obtained with the 5-m Hale telescope of the Mount
Palomar Observatory, incorporating a 512-channel scanner and spectral resolution about 4 Å per channel were provided. Except for Kar 97a, the studied galaxies
have weak emission lines. Estimation of the electron density after the
method of Minkowski and Osterbrock (1959) and determination of the ion
content and chemical composition of the emitting gas has been suggested by
Peimbert (1968). The studied sample of double galaxies includes only one
active object, Kar 93b = I Zw 55, which is a Seyfert galaxy of NGC 1068 type.
V. A., Ap & Spa. Sci., v. 116, 333-340, 1985) in PDF format could be
found here. Click here for more
details about Karachentsev double galaxies. PUBLISHED PAPERS 1. PETROV G.T.,
GOLEV V. K., YANKULOVA I. M., C. r. Acad. Sci. Bulg., v. 34, 461-464,
1981 “Physical
conditions in the double galaxies with emission lines. Mrk 171a, b” 2. YANKULOVA
I. M., PETROV G. T., GOLEV V. K., Astr. Tsirc. No. 1169, 1-3, 1981 (in Russian) “Some spectrophotometric
data about the double galaxy NGC 3690 + IC 694” 3. PETROV G. T., KOVACHEV B. J., MINEVA V. A., Ap & Spa. Sci., v. 116, 333-340, 1985 “Some spectrophotometric data for 31 galaxies from Karachentsev list” 4. PETROV
G. T., MINEVA V. A., KYAZUMOV G. A., C. r. Acad. Sci. Bulg., v. 38, 291-294,
1985 “Rotation, mass and
physical conditions in the nucleus of the spiral galaxy NGC 7339
(Karachentsev 570b) ” 5. PETROV
G. & MINEVA V., C.r., v. 45, No. 8, 1992
“Star Formation in Karachentsev's double galaxies”