Next: Absorption line systems
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- Because of studies of local stellar pops, we anticipate that we really
have to go to high redshift, say
, before we can really see galaxy
formation, at least of current massive objects. Three possible ways
of finding these have been tried:
- look for faint objects (consider distance modulus as f(redshift)),
- look for ly
- look for galaxies with strong Ly breaks (from
intrinsic stellar, gas within galaxy, intergalactic gas).
- Latter has been most successful to date. Why?
- too many relatively nearby FBG's,
- presence of dust strongly reduces ly alpha because
resonant scattering makes ly alpha path lengths much longer and
consequently much more prone to absorption by dust,
- presence of intergalactic H makes dropout present independent of galaxy spectrum,
presence of interstellar H within galaxy.
- Ly break method
(steidel et al AJ 110, 2519,
Fig 1
Fig 2;
HDF Madau et al Fig 7).
- Initial test: look around lines of sight to QSOs which show
intervening absorption: find several objects within a
few arcsec with colors consistent for object at z of absorption feature
(Steidel et al AJ 110, 2519).
- Lyman break galaxies: early results
- Keck spectra:
Steidel et al ApJ 462, L17 Fig 1.
Many objects currently confirmed, with
success rate
(poss as high as 90% and essentially no contaminators.
- Colors consistent with moderately unreddened models of star forming
galaxies, with limits on reddening corresponding to
; with K magnitudes,
colors somewhat redder than instanteous bursts, possibly giving age
as much as 1Gyr. Discovery of these high z galaxies at all suggests
that dust may not be an important limiting factor.
- Stellar absorption
lines generally weaker than those of present day starbursts, possibly
suggesting lower metallicity. Line widths still uncertain, but very
- SF rates can be estimated from UV flux and give 4-75 solar
masses per year for various cosmologies.
- Surface densities around
, making these
objects about 1.3% of all objects to R=25 and 2% of objects in range
- Space density, asssuming uniform
sampling over redshift range is about 0.1-0.5 space density (lower limit)
of current galaxies with
- HST imaging resolves these objects
(pictures from Giavalisco et al ApJ 470, 189).
- Radial profiles
(Giavalisco et al fig 2).
- Objects are compact, cores
with some exceptions. At
. half light radii of a few
- In general, morphologies show less dispersion in morphology than
medium redshift galaxies. However, beware surface brightness dimming
. Perhaps high z objects are SF in objects which can retain gas,
while intermediate z objects are SF in lower mass objects. Maybe high
z objects are bulges of current day galaxies. But maybe they're just
components which will merge to form current day spheroids.
- More recent surveys/results:
ACS imaging in HDF-N and CDF-S (
) in
- 1409 U-dropouts at
, 2440 B-dropouts at
, and
845 V-dropouts at
- morphological analysis, e.g. Ravindranath et al ApJ 652, 963 (2006
- more than half have profiles fit well by Sersic
- large fraction of exponential-like systems (40% exponential,
30% even less centrally concentrated, 30% de Vaucouleurs,)
- Even high-n systems have larger ellipticities than local galaxies
- ellipticity distribution suggests that it's not just disks: filaments or bars?
ACS imaging (
F435W (
), F606W (
), F775W (
), and F850LP (
- Deeper (probes lower luminosities), but smaller field
- Number counts fairly well fit by Schecter functions, e.g.
Beckwith et al Fig 15; if
we associate these with present day galaxies, implies strong evolution
in number density (but see also Bouwens et al
if significant numbers of galaxies aren't being missed!
- Range of morphologies, e.g. Elmgreen et al,
Fig 1. Star formation only in disks?
- COSMOS: multiwavelength, wide
field (2 degree square) survey, ground-based plus HST imaging + Xray + radio
- Global SF history extended to higher redshift - the ``Madau plot''.
Discussion of advantages
of using heavy element formation rate as relative estimator of SF rate
which is less sensitive to possible variations/uncertainties in IMF and
also insensitive to cosmological model
- Madau et al Fig 9.
- More recent results by Steidel et al from ground based higher Z studies
(ApJ 519, 1 Figs 8
Fig 9).
- UDF results
- Can one account for present day density of heavy elements from derived
history of metal production? Can one get enough production at early
enough times for an early epoch of formation of spheroids?
- Limitations of using LBGs as a probe of galaxy formation: what objects
are being missed?
- If one considers strongly star forming galaxies, one expects significant
dust emission (c.f. the nearby ultraluminous IR galaxies). At higher
redshift, one would look in the submm for the dust emission. In fact,
observable submm wavelengths are longward of peak of dust emission in
galaxies, which gives a positive K-correction, potentially allowing
observations out to very high redshift
(Smail et al Fig 1).
- Initial 2D instrument used for submm surveys was SCUBA on JCMT observes
at 450 and 850 microns, and many sources (
300) have now been
detected; this is an active area with lots of instrument development
(note ALMA).
- Converting dust emission to star formation rate suggests
very high star formation rates and
that these objects are responsible for a significant fraction of
star formation at high redshift. Space density comparable to that
of present day ellipticals, although association with these is by no
means clear.
- Unfortunately, beam of SCUBA is 15 arcsec, making optical
identification of sources very difficult
(Smail et al Fig 6);
may be possible to identify objects by looking for corresponding radio
emission. There appears to be an association of the submm sources with
high redshift objects, however, although this conclusion is certainly not
completely secure. If submm are at high redshift, they could represent
a significant population, perhaps even outnumbering the Lyman break
galaxies, and representing an obscured population. This could have
significant implications for the high redshift SF rates.
- Optical redshifts difficult, but appear that significant
fraction are in in
range, e.g. Chapman
et al
- Note implications of ALMA
- Is there a population with intermediate dust content which escapes
detecting both by submm and optical searches?
Next: Absorption line systems
Up: AY616 class notes
Previous: Observations of galaxies at
Jon Holtzman