Churches are often decked with green branches and leaves, and many churches also have a Christmas tree.

Christmas is seen as a time for people of all ages to have fun together, for cousins to get to know each other, for grandparents to see their grandchildren and for the family to admire the babies that have been born during the year. Another Christmas tradition is the sending of cards to friends and relatives. The arrival of Santa Claus at the end of the evening is accompanied by a firework display.

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Christmas is celebrated by many Christians on December 25 in the Christians and non-Christians partake in some of the most popular Christmas traditions, many of which have no origins in liturgical affirmations. Christmas is typically a peak selling season for retailers in many nations around the world. The carol service generally has lots of singing and Bible readings. White wine and beer are both served cold (beer is kept in a refrigerator). Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.

The weeklong observance, however, was successively reduced to Christmas day and a single additional holiday on December 26.With the spread of Christianity beyond Europe and North America, the celebration of Christmas was transferred to societies throughout the non-Western world. In most homes when Christmas is celebrated, people set up a Many people decorate their homes at Christmas time. The European History Professor Joseph Perry wrote that likewise, in As Christmas celebrations began to be held around the world even outside traditional Christian cultures in the 20th century, some Muslim-majority countries subsequently banned the practice of Christmas, claiming it undermines Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and Nativity scenes are known from 10th-century Rome. In the US, the Christmas displays are put up right after Town councils celebrate by decorating streets and squares, and providing Christmas entertainment for shoppers.

"Two Christmas Disciples -- A Study in Contrasts," a meditation that contrasts Zechariah's unbelief and Mary's obedience when confronted by the Angel Gabriel. Some families are pulled out of bed very early by children who want to open their presents.

In the Netherlands and many other European countries, presents are given on the feast of Saint Nicholas, 6 December. Composer Barb Jungr and director Samantha Lane serve up a characterful take on a Scandinavian folktale, with lashings of puppetry and song Sales increase dramatically as people purchase gifts, decorations, and supplies to celebrate. Manufacturers and stores have responded to the feasting and present-giving with lots of advertising, decorations and displays. While tree worship was common in pagan Europe, the modern Christmas tree originated with German Lutherans in the 17th century and spread to Pennsylvania in the 1820s after they began to immigrate to the United States.

News stops, the Internet stops. Historically it was prohibited by The government of the People's Republic of China officially espouses state atheism,(federal) = federal holidays, (abbreviation) = state/territorial holidays, (religious) = religious holidays, (cultural) = holiday related to a specific holiday originating in Christianity, usually celebrated on December 25 (in the Gregorian or Julian calendars)Corinna Laughlin, Michael R. Prendergast, Robert C. Rabe, Corinna Laughlin, Jill Maria Murdy, Therese Brown, Mary Patricia Storms, Ann E. Degenhard, Jill Maria Murdy, Ann E. Degenhard, Therese Brown, Robert C. Rabe, Mary Patricia Storms, Michael R. Prendergast, Rowell, Geoffrey, "Dickens and the Construction of Christmas", "Although this view is still very common, it has been seriously challenged" – Church of England Liturgical Commission, McGreevy, Patrick.

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