Otherwise you will find yourself in some troublesome situation.The dream about being bitten by a poison snake can mean that a poisonous situation has a physical effect on you and you can feel frozen or paralyzed in a situation as you reject to make necessary change to free yourself from self-imposed restrictions. Or are you neutral about snakes maybe?If you are afraid of snakes you should be aware of this emotion and ask yourself in there was something you were afraid of in the waking hours. Meanings of Snake dreams in Hinduism. Usually, it means that you will conquer your enemy or crush your opponent, but in some religions like Hinduism where snakes are worshipped, it can mean that something terrible is about to happen. In comparison to Islam or Christianity, the snakes don’t have the same evil connotation.If you see in your dream a snake transforming into a dragon that can mean a personal growth and the snake is the sign of power and strength. The dream snake may be alerting you or carrying some sort of hidden message. This is a spam free zone - You can unsubscribe at any time. Im glad that God worked through you.. Then I woke up. Summary . I have a better understanding now that I’ve read what it could mean spiritually.Had a dream last night where I passed a snake and a lizard together that are alive but still like they were sunning or something like that. All 3 rattlers lost their heads. We love each other but argue a lot. Furthermore, the snake reflects bad and deceptive behavior, or even difficult life events (problems).It can either mean that your thoughts are toxic and poisonous, or you keep surrounding yourself by something that is poisoning your life (bad people, addictive substances, junk food, doubts or worries).If you saw a white snake on the floor or another solid surface, it means that you have a clear mind, you finally know what it is that you want to achieve and what steps you need to take. On the other hand, in many ancient cultures the snake is a sign of fertility. You can also see the snakes in their hieroglyphs. Hermes was also represented as a rod with two intertwined snakes.The entwined snake many times is a symbol of balance, equanimity, regeneration and union. Wondering why you can’t just go back to the time when everything was so easy and fun.But, now you are unsure how to get back to where you once were. As the snake hugged me tighter by it’s tail it never bit me because I never saw it’s head or fangs but instead I got an entire body numbness sensation/feeling until it let me go. Try to relate the characteristics of the snake from your dream with the characteristics of people or aspects of some situations from your real life.The most usual interpretation of the snake is that this animal represents something or someone who has a strong influence in your life regardless of that is someone you know or it is some situation. Snake refers to sexual temptation: According to the Freudian school of thought, the snake is viewed as a phallic symbol and thus signifies temptation, repressed thoughts, raw sexual energy, or forbidden sexuality. Let's find out!

Kundalini is said to lead to an ultimate magnificent state of consciousness.An endeavor into this eastern spiritual meaning of the serpent of kundalini, just like the meaning of snakes in dreams or in real life, should be approached with respect and caution. This symbol is also related to Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine who was utilizing snakes in medical treatments. This feature is connected with transformation and leaving the old things in your life behind.If you want to interpret your dream better, you should try to remember the snake’s characteristics. Other tribes associate this animal with creation (mothering) and lunar (moon) symbolism. Thank you for taking the time to read this article ! In Hindu mythology, snake dreams that induce fear symbolize enemies. The best time is when you wake up in order to minimize the loss of the content because the memory of the dream quickly fades away.In order to start with your dream interpretation it recommended looking for an explanation in the dream meaning dictionary. It represents the talent to maneuver under the radar. Maybe there is something you prefer to avoid that requires your immediate attention?On the other hand, if you like snakes, try to remember if there was something in your waking hours that you were enthusiastic about?Also it is good to analyze the action of the snake in your dream. But after having my child it was stopped for a year or 2. If you see the snake in your dream this way you should think about who can be a trickster in your life and what the motive of that person to act like that is.Ouroboros is a name for a sea serpent that swallows its own tail and encompasses the world’s ocean that way.

There are species of snakes that are deadly poisonous or that can strangle you, and there are snakes of different colors and sizes. Consider saying one of these Seeing a snake in your dreams might be a sign that you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol or drug problems.In the Bible, alcohol is symbolic of a poisonous snake bite.

In that way you will be able to get information about qualities that could remind you of a situation, a person or maybe your emotional state in your real life.