He then goes back into another story, and talks all through the night, ending with an explanation of where babies come from--for machines. Unfortunately, this doesn't work; the balloon becomes a massive electrified balloon which becomes even larger when Frylock tries to destroy it with electricity from his eyes. When he gets here, we melt him…and laugh…on into the night!”Shake buys Meatwad a pet snake for the sake of having it eat him and we’re off to an okay start.

It feels more streamlined than most episodes in the sense that there are no subplots or callbacks to earlier scenes. Why don’t Al and Peg Bundy get a divorce? Back on their ship, the Mooninites raise their middle fingers at the shrinking Earth. I’d also say that the giant Meatwad showing up at the end is the first truly great final moment of the series.The episode starts off so dry and meh, but gradually builds. The ending leaves a little to be desired, but Emory and Oglethrorpe’s initial outing completely justifies every appearance they made in the years that followed. He uses his power to summon Santa and due to his godliness and idiocy, he badly mutilates St. Nick by accident. Frylock programs a robot to be Shake’s girlfriend and to have the same interests (ie.

The Aqua Teens stand atop a cliff, and after a short argument about whether or not this scenario was even in Highlander at all, Shake tosses Happy Time somewhere far below. Then, in his sleep, he has a revelation. Then things reach a whole other level once Frylock destroys the snake and accidentally murders Shake and Meatwad as well. YouTube sensors guys 1800th chess video for talking about Covid-19; even though he was just mentioning how people were getting back into chess because they're stuck at home. Back at home, Meatwad shows Frylock how he set a small piece of the carpet ablaze. It’s such a wonderful setup, even if the whole Billywitchdoctor.com bit falls flat for me. Eventually, the problem grows and grows until the room itself is full of real-life pop-up ads, and the computer is destroyed by a pop-up slicing the monitor when it is created. Meatwad rolls outside and shoves Frylock off of them, saying that the Mooninites are his friends. His attempts to make The Drizzle a household name do more damage than anything else and all come to a head with a final moment where his whole world has essentially collapsed upon itself and he finally realizes it. Having landed in a crater on the Moon, the Mooninites find Carl and threaten a 'Moon spanking'. All the while, the other three suddenly become completely serious in the way they react to the reality that Frylock’s likely going to die. Does that ever even happen in real life? The moment they finally acknowledge the dummy as a threat, things pick up and go to some amazing places. That dynamic still could of been played with a lot and I don't like them kind of changing up the dynamic in season 5. The episode isn’t really about the pilot episode, but it features tons of references to it as the three move in and make themselves at home.
Laser', a pixellated pistol-like gun. The only way to end it is for Carl to give himself sexually to the "Great Red Ape." Emory and Oglethorpe are simply the best and Oglethorpe’s constant, quarter-assed megalomaniacal plans never cease to amuse me. Carl, who originally paid Shake to cut his lawn, tells Frylock and Meatwad that he wants to talk to him as soon as possible.

This gives us one of the best Plutonian moments where Major Shake talks to them on a video conference and the two dopes don’t seem to notice that Frylock is hovering around in the background, glaring at them, until well after the transmission is over and they start freaking out.The episode before this one, “Hoppy Bunny,” is completely all over the place and it briefly plays with the idea of Shake stealing Frylock’s powers. Frylock finally decides that enough is enough, and tells the Wizard that he's going offline. In the opening, Carl is admiring his pool (completely decked out with painted flames and neon lights) and preventing Master Shake from getting anywhere near it because he is weird. What do you think of this change in his character? Regardless, Shake completely devours the helpful mold. Later, after swimming in Carl's pool, they attempt to dry a wet towel over Frylock's computer.

24. Frylock has cancer and becomes lethargic and weak. After Frylock measures the circumference of Carl's skull, Carl catches on and decides to give his friend Terry a call (the same Terry that Dr. Weird called earlier) and get a brain on the black market. Carl talks to her bluntly about his diarrhea and has stains from it on his shirt and she still doesn’t bat an eye.The following season would revisit the same basic idea with “Big Bro” and improve on it, but we’ll get to that later.Watching Shake get his just desserts doesn’t happen all the time, and even when it does, it’s usually at the end of the episode. When Err extinguishes a cigarette in Meatwad's eye, Meatwad realizes they may not be his friends after all. Shake has his brain switched with a sinister rabbit, which leads to a wonderful piece where the main cast and some pet store animals pee in a mall’s water fountain in the name of science. Meatwad becomes obsessed with "I Want Candy," a song by new artist MC Pee Pants, and listens to it non-stop. He fires a shot at Carl, but it moves extremely slowly. Meatwad still cries too when Shake kills his garden hose friend with his mind (so I don't think he's completely maturedHis character has fleshed out i'll give you that, and it does work out in his favor.I have watched all of Star Trek: TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, and VOY so far. They then head into Frylock's room and decide to get to the bottom of this, with Shake searching for "teeth, 'plaque conspiracy', and Metallica" on the Internet. Shake has been watching The very first appearance by the Mooninites. One more pop-up comes down in front of him, severing his fingertips. With Linda Lavin, Vic Tayback, Beth Howland, Philip McKeon.