Choose at least ten new words or phrases you would you want to know relating to summer and learn them.Write a couple of haiku poems* inspired by the summer season.Read a short story or article about summer. This page is a free-shared lesson plan archive for teaching all educational subjects within the context and theme of “Summer”.

Also write a short piece* about how you started doing that sport, how it makes you feel, the challenges you met and overcame, etc.Due to popularity of picnics and barbeques in the summer, it is important to be aware of food poisoning. Recite* it to others from memory.Read a short story set in the summer. Write a well documented research paper* Include your opinion on the issues in a forward.Write an in-depth set of open source lesson plans* about Biology in relation to summer that include lessons for all ages.Put some ice cubes outside in the summer and watch what happens to them. Research how the summer season affects lakes, including thermal stratification and mixing, and study additional summer related aspects which interest you. Create a short report* based on what you find, including your recommendations.Research how chilled goods, such as ice cream, are transported in summer months, and create a visual representation* on what you learned.Research how live animals are transported in the hot summer months and write and publish a blog* that includes what you learned, your opinion, and recommendations.Research environmentally-friendly ways to keep temperatures low in homes and for comfort and food storage during warmer summer months.

What we feel is most important is that both the Learner and the Teacher agree on an exercise/activity they both feel would be maximally engaging, fun, and effective. Yes! etc. Write a short document* about what you found in your research, what your actual experiences were and your reflections.Videotape an informational and/or persuasive documentary* about those people who appear to be socially isolated to you, such as elderly persons and others sitting or walking alone, compared to the majority of people that are outdoors in public places in the summer. ), an experiment, a presentation, a mindmap, a computer program, a web design project, a piece of poetry or a song, an interpretive dance or play, a group project, or anything else.

Write a short document* about what you found in your research, what your actual experiences were and your reflections.Research how to be a positive influence on children, and see if you can apply what you have learned when children approach you in public when doing/promoting a summer activity. Write a report*.Write a narrative analysis* of a piece of historical or classical fiction set, at least partially, in the summer appropriate for your reading level.

Explore biodiversity at a local or global level as related to increasing temperatures in that area and extreme summer temperatures.

They're perfect to use in the classroom and even at home.

What we feel is most important is that both the Learner and the Teacher agree on an exercise/activity they both feel would be maximally engaging, fun, and effective. etc. There are activities on summer clothes, sports and activites, and summer fruits. Discuss how it would be without that piece of technology.Study the screens/screening used in summer in your house and investigate online* how those type of screens are connected to windows. Draw a cartoon* showing what you have learned.Create a visual representation* showing what causes sunburns and how to prevent them.Find out the ingredients in your favorite summertime salad or dish and list all the health benefits of each of the healthy ones. Draw clock faces* and indicate the times on separate clocks.Create at least four summer-themed word problems* involving a combination of fractions, multiplication and division.

Write ideas and recommendations* you may have to improve the experience.Brainstorm a list of lifehacks related to summer, or things you feel need life hacks in the summer.

Find information to learn about this, then discuss* what happens with a group of your peers.Think about what materials are hotter when left outside on a sunny, summer day.

Learn about built-in window fly screens, magnetic fly screens, mosquito nets and/or related products used in 5 different countries and climates, and how they are attached to whatever they are put on to. ), an experiment, a presentation, a mindmap, a computer program, a web design project, a piece of poetry or a song, an interpretive dance or play, a group project, or anything else.

Any one of these suggestions could be replaced with a written paper, any form of art project (drawing, painting, music, paper mache, clay, wood, knitting/embroidery, metals, etc. Create an interactive, multimedia piece* with a theme related to Summer.Collect some summer blooming wildflowers and create a summer-themed pressed-flower greeting card* or bookmark.Collect some summer wildflowers and make a floral display*.Collect some wildflowers and create a summer-themed pressed-flower greeting card or bookmark.Using sewing, upcycle some old clothing or scraps of cloth to create a summer-themed pillow or article of clothing*.Make a list of 20 ‘summer jobs’.

age range, gender). Make a list* of challenges and opportunities that summer brings to the system. What speaks more of summer than a day at the beach? Summer is here! Show them to others and tell them* a bit about these festivals.Find and print out pictures of traditional clothing worn in the summer for five different cultures. Any one of these suggestions could be replaced with a written paper, any form of art project (drawing, painting, music, paper mache, clay, wood, knitting/embroidery, metals, etc. Create a visual presentation* on what you learn and display it in the education center of your community.