• Select the desired mode: • Disabled: Requires pressing and holding the function key (fn) while pressing one of the f1 through f12 keys to use the action indicated on the action key. Usually, these options features of Function Keys have default actions or icons printed on them. do let us know in the comments below if we missed anything. These keys can perform special actions related to the audio volume, playback, and hardware features. Besides these F1-F12 12 function keys, there is special Some of these features are available only on some selected laptops. These keys F1 to F12 have variety of different uses for those who knows or no use at all, for those who doesn’t. For example, if you are currently viewing the desktop and press F1, Windows Help and Support opens. Standard commands are labeled on the front of the keys (such as F3). If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Look for alternate labels on your keys, or consult your computer's manual for more information.Below are some of the more common functions of the functions keys for

Modern laptop and desktop keyboards have a multi-purpose set of keys in the “function” row. F12 KEY Features and Uses: The F12 key opens the “Save As” in Microsoft Word. This includes the top row of standard function keys (F1–F12).

F1 to F12 shortcut keys. F2 Key. Creating a System Restore Point first before installing a new software, and being careful about any third-party offers while installing freeware is recommended.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Shift + F12, Saves a document in Microsoft Word. Shiwangi is a qualified writer and a blogger, who loves to dabble with and write about computers.
Select a file/folder/icon … On some smaller keyboards and laptop computers the F-keys may have a dedicated function such as changing the screen brightness, the volume, or other device-specific functions. Pressing F12 in Microsoft Word will instantly open the Save As an option for you to save the document as a new file. While focusing on and writing on technology topics, her varied skills and experience enables her to write on any topics which may interest her.

Alternate commands are labeled on top of the keys (such as Redo). On these keyboards, there's a separate If you would prefer not to press the Fn key to access your function keys, you can configure the keyboard to treat them as regular function keys in your If your keyboard does not have a row of function keys, they are probably set up as secondary functions on other keys.

F11 Key helps you to enter Full-screen mode in few programs and software, and it can be utilized and work in any Browser. So this was all about the uses of function keys in windows. They may be combined with the Alt or Ctrl keys.

F12. They can also function as the classic F1-F12 keys — but not at the same time.

• Press the up-arrow or down-arrow keys to navigate to the Action Keys Mode option, and then press the Enter key to display the Enable / Disable menu.

The function keys or F-keys on a computer keyboard, labeled F1 through F12, are keys with a special function defined by the operating system or the running program. If you are browsing on Google Chrome, F1 opens the Google Support page.On a Mac, F1 reduces the screen’s brightness. Depending on the operating system and the software program currently open, determines how each of these keys operate.

These keys F1 to F12 present on our keyboard, are commonly known as function keys.