If you find the article on finding WiFi password of your current network helpful, let us know in comments below.fossBytes co-founder and an entrepreneur who is in love with budding technologies. Follow these simple steps to recover your WiFi password:So, this is how you can find out the password of the WiFi network that you are connected to on different devices. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a type of security protocol for wireless networks that can keep out unauthorized users. Most routers come with WPS enabled and work by pushing the WPS button on your router and connecting your device. A tech enthusiast and a guy who loves to play games and have a good time with his friends! Now we can exit wpa_cli again by typing That’s it, you now know the PSK or password of the access point you are connected to. As you can see my PSK is ‘www.kamilslab.com’. Then you need to reboot the router. First, find the type of ethernet card in your motherboard. Tap the name of the network to which you wish to connect and enter the password, if necessary, to connect to the Internet. Under Security Encryption (WPA-PSK) > Passphrase, enter a passphrase. Once you have done this we will add our BSSID from earlier and the WPS Pin that you already have. When WPA is active on your router, each device that attempts to connect to the network will need the correct key. My wireless interface is wlan0. Retrieving your router's WPA-PSK key is easier than you might think. Method 6:- Run SFC Command “This video is only for educational purposes. WIFI hacking is illegal. Check your router’s default password, usually printed on a sticker on the router. Use a pin to press the small reset button, (usually located on the back of the router) for 20-30 seconds. This can be found in the manual or on the manufacturer’s website. If you reset the router in Step 4, then you must create the key again. Tap on that heading to reveal WiFi hotspots near you. In this tutorial I will be gaining access to my own network. Let’s start by configuring our wpa_supplicant.conf fileThis should open up the .conf file and we will add the following lines. This wifi password hack will surely allow attackers (aka.Hackers) to recover the Pre-shared Key (PSK) login passwords. Leave this window open and open up a new terminal or ssh window. Below the SSID, you’ll find your lost WiFi password (psk). Wifi Cards. Also Read- Hack Wi-Fi Password Without Cracking By Using Wifiphisher Disclaimer : All content in this article is intended for security research purpose only.

When WPA is active on your router, each device that attempts to connect to the network will need the correct key. I personally have never heard or WPS before doing this research and have never used it in my personal life.As stated earlier I will assume you already have the WPS Pin of the network you want grab the PSK from. A little knowledge about WPS. That’s it, you now know the PSK or password of the access point you are connected to. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a type of security protocol for wireless networks that can keep out unauthorized users. If you did not create a username and password, use the default username and password for the router.

Knowing your key can help you add new devices to the network, connect your game console to the internet and let guests use the network. Copy the network profile name which you want the password for. Hey i need to find the network key so i can reinstall the OS and still connect to the internetYou need to log into your modem: it'll be something like Nice program tho i can't get it in ACSII but still it works gd If these do not work, consult the router's user manual for the defaults.Reset the router to its default settings if you know that you created a username and password but cannot remember them. An open wireless network is vulnerable to nosy neighbors and others with more malicious intent. Wireless AC Router. We are looking for a ‘CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED’ to return. Step 1: Open Terminal and Find out the name of your wireless adapter. Again, if you know who owns the WiFi access point you can try and use this password on people’s accounts like Facebook, Google, or any other website. We need to start by putting our wireless interface into monitor mode using airmon-ng start . We will now startwpa_supplicant with the following command:You may get some invalid argument errors, but that’s okay.

Under Security Options, select WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key). If you run the command below and airmon-ng gives you errors that certain processes are running and may interfere you can either kill them manually or type the ‘airmon-ng check kill’ command which will check the processes and kill them automatically.This should create a monitor interface on ‘mon0’. Use the ‘iwconfig’ to find yours. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We will now be running wpa_cli and running commands manually.You should now get a command prompt window where you can enter commands. Now we will use wash to find access points in our area that have WPS enabled. Many people use the same password for multiple websites.If you have any questions please post a comment below.what about windows user? In doing so, connect to your network now and I hope the incorrect psk provided for network ssid issue will get solved. In the subsequent Run dialog box, type ‘devmgmt.msc’ and hit the Enter button. Hack Wap2-psk using reaver method. The IP address for most routers is "Log in with your username and password. When this is complete hit Now return to wpa_cli and type ‘save’ which should return an ‘OK’. The disk check could not be performed because the disk check utility needs exclusive access to some Windows files on the disk.