But... if, for argument's sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... a tragedy. When they are cornered by some of Dragon's golems, Urie is the first to offer himself as a decoy while Kaneki and Saiko retreat.

When they meet at Anteiku, Kaneki's first impression of Tsukiyama is that he looks like a model. Portanto, para escapar desse cenário, ele iria assumir a tarefa de proteger outro para si mesmo, sem olhar para os outros para ajudá-lo. Though imprisoned for many years, Donato seems to know many secrets about his past and offers hints about Kaneki's lost memories and possible future. jeopardizing the lives of his comrades for his own selfish needs. The Ghoul seems to know something significant that Sasaki does not, which concerns certain key factors that may lead Sasaki to uncover his memories. Kaneki in turn viewed her as someone important to him and tried to put her out of harm's way. then seen in his room, weeping over the contemplation of fighting for the CCG. He complied with orders assigned by his seniors and carried them out without hesitation. He remained unaware of Shirazu being poisoned against him, but this did not last long.

Upon their reunion after Amon's rescue from the CCG, Kaneki and Amon share an amicable relationship, the two being kindred spirits.

After the meeting, Sasaki excuses himself and heads to the Ghoul Detention Center to meet with Donato Porpora. He uses the investigator's personal name, a sign of the close and cordial relationship between them. Part 1 of Kaneki/Happiness: A collection of organic, grass-fed fluff

She usually haunts Kaneki when he is hungry and needs to eat human meat.

After Goat was forced to move underground as a result of Furuta's oppressive plan to eradicate the population of ghouls in Tokyo, Kaneki has become more morose. BUT, they still have the gene of an O blood type, meaning if the child would later have a child with another person with blood type, O, the child could possibly be born with blood type O. After Tsukiyama seemingly cut Kaneki's finger accidentally with his finger nail, he used Tsukiyama's handkerchief to soak up the blood. However, he was still troubled with the fact that he was a half-ghoul and wanted to search for a place where he could belong. Ao abraçar sua natureza Ghoul de todo coração, Kaneki desistiu de ser "humano".

Seeing the once strong ghoul in a starving weakened state made him question his own motives for gaining more power. Desde Kaneki está sempre tentando proteger os outros, ele é essencialmente a tentar proteger-se de tornar-se sozinho novamente. Atualmente, ele vive sob a identidade de Haise Sasaki (佐 々 木 琲 世, Sasaki Haise), como um Investigador Ghoul de Classe Especial Associado, e serviu como o mentor do Esquadrão Quinx e membro da Equipa Mado. Sempre que ele é quase inanição e perde o controle de sua Kagune ou kakuja, ele parece estar a desenvolver uma personalidade que emula Rize e Yamori. Ele é extremamente suave e parece estar optimista maior parte do tempo. calmly dismisses the issue. He has great respect for Amon, and in their final meeting he asked the Investigator to allow him to pass -- something he knew would not happen. Também, ao contrário Kaneki que aceitou seu lado ghoul, Haise rejeita e parecem estar desgostoso por seu lado ghoul como quando ele tentou convencê-lo a aceitá-la, ele a ignorou e do pensamento de seus mentores para dar-lhe coragem.

Touka is also seen pregnant with another child in the last chapter of Tokyo Ghoul :re. His advanced strength makes him stronger than Tsukiyama, so he uses that to threaten him into knowing his place. He recognizes that everyone is their own protagonist, and that his tragedy doesn't make him anymore special than anyone else. Juuzou considers him as a friend, referring to him by his first name, and is still aware of Sasaki's true identity, as he repaid the money stolen from Kaneki's wallet long ago. Despite this, he remains determined to stop Furuta and save both ghouls and humans. Sasaki regards himself as a "dream," caused when he began to desire. When Kaneki defects from the CCG and forms Goat, Tsukiyama joins him at his side as his best friend and right-hand man. In turn, Mutsuki has great admiration for his mentor and is quick to offer praise or reassurances. Tudo mudou depois de ter conhecido Rize Kamishiro que levou ele para uma armadilha que tentou devorá-lo, porém após um acidente no local, ferragens cairam nela, que acabou sendo esmagada e morrendo. Kaneki's mental state undergoes extreme changes over the course of the series. He also desired to be loved by everyone that knows him, regardless of how his actions may obtain the desired result, be them with good or bad intentions, which the mental child Kaneki perceives as salvation. Afterward, he acknowledged her by asking her to go with him to a Goat meeting. It is unknown how Sasaki felt when Shimoguchi died, but it is likely the death of the older investigator did not affect him. Os orgãos dela foram transplantados em Kaneki e ele se tornou um Ghoul de Um Olho. The strong connection between Kaneki and Hide earns Kaneki the capability to refrain from human meat even when driven by ghoul instincts.

He then visited Arima, and the two had a minor spar. He takes these actions with minimal response, doing his best to remain professional and courteous.

During his way in the 20th Ward, Amon appeared in his way and began fighting him with Kaneki retaliating unwillingly. The event had triggered a desire in Kaneki to become stronger. He acts as a surrogate parent to her, affectionately referred to as "Maman". He is fond of Kaneki, and shares both advice and stories of his past with him. With the mission a success, the others head off onto the dance floor to celebrate. He does however, still care for her.