Price -- Because we are factory, so we can provide higher quality products, we can control the cost.

All products carrying the parent brand must be of the same high quality standards).Factors that may determine the impact of umbrella branding include:

(1) 6.Could i put our own logo on the umbrellas9 A:Yes,customized order is available.

Pleasant communication

(1) Umbrella trial order without logo, the price is +30% up based on the MOQ price.

Consumers tend to evaluate new products not only by positive brand equity but also if the brand's concept is consistent with their extended products.The schema congruity theory suggests that the storage of new information and retrieval of memory is majorly influenced by past expectations.Confirmation bias is a form of statistical bias, describing the tendency to seek for or interpret evidence in ways that support one's existing beliefs.Umbrella branding has become a popular marketing practice utilised by companies due to its various potential benefits.

Double Layer Outdoor Rain Paraguas Branded Inverted Reverse Umbrella

2. Fast delivery Don’t get caught out with no good brand to market online.
