We focused our attention on the mPFC, which previous literature has shown to be active in the processing of emotional stimuli (Mixed design ANOVAs showed significant main effect of Diversion on mPFC activation in both females and males, and of Discharge on mPFC activation in males only. First, there were no explicit measures of non-musical mood regulation behavior in the participants; connections between MMR results and non-musical types of affect regulation have been therefore be based on theory and previous findings, where empirical findings would be stronger and should be a topic of further study. Dialogues in music therapy and music neuroscience: collaborative understanding driving clinical advances Some uses of music may have negative effects on mental health, as can non-music regulation strategies, such as rumination. Finally, specific clinical music therapy studies are imperative to determining the efficacy of music therapy in applying these and further findings.Several limitations need to be noted regarding the current study. However, self-directed uses of music in affect regulation are not fully understood. This is usually considered as healthy behavior.Maladaptive behavior can be viewed as the direct opposite of adaptive behavior. Inclusion criteria were an absence of hearing or neurological problems, and psychopharmacological medication. Seven participants were excluded from the analysis due to technical issues, excessive movements during scanning, or neuro-radiological abnormalities.

Participants rank their level of agreement from on a five point Likert scale with statements related to each domain (Psychological test scores were correlated to each other with parametric and non-parametric tests using SPSS version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), running on Mac OS X 10.9.5.A subset of 63 participants also agreed to participate in an functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning session. Internal reliability of all tests was good, with Cronbach’s Results of all tests were correlated in all 123 participants. Twenty-three participants (19%) scored between 9 and 17 on the MADRS, meeting scale criterion for mild depression. The adaptive and maladaptive processing of emotions. Studies by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Psychology Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, show that basic emotions have an inherent adaptive function. This ability to induce emotions makes music listening a potentially powerful means of affect regulation, an i… Of the remaining 56 participants (33 female) participants between the ages of 20 and 53 (mean age 28.5 years, SD = 8 years), eleven participants had played a musical instrument for at least 5 years, eight of whom continued to play music actively (at least 2 h/week). Although the ability of music to express and induce emotions seems so essential as to be obvious, it is only research from the last decades that allows us to state with scientific confidence that music can communicate and induce specific emotions to listeners (Balkwill and Thompson, 1999; Juslin, 2003; Juslin and Laukka, 2004; Juslin and Västfjäll, 2008; Fritz et al., 2009; Brattico and Pearce, 2013). Prompted by text on the screen, participants were given three answer choices in each task: “happiness, sadness or fear” in the explicit block, and “one, two or many” in the implicit block. The problem of emotional tension is usually discussed only with regard to its negative (maladaptive) aspects.

Participants were divided into high and low-scoring groups based on the median scores for Discharge and Diversion. These findings lead us to the conclusion that there are no maladaptive emotions. They are adaptive and maladaptive behavior. As expected, MADRS scores were significantly positively correlated with HADS-A scores, Correlations were also determined for male and female participants separately to explore possible idiosyncrasies in uses of music and maladaptive emotionality depending on gender. Each music excerpt was followed by a 5 s answer period, during which participants answered by pressing one of three push buttons on a response box.fMRI data was collected at the Advanced Magnetic Imaging (AMI) Center at Aalto University, using a 3 T MAGNETOM Skyra whole-body scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). We defined a maladaptive neural response to music as one that is associated with increased negative or decreased positive emotional experience when compared to normal listening responses, such as could be related to common affective psychiatric symptoms like prolonged negative mood. Emotionsregulation bezeichnet alle Prozesse, mit denen Individuen versuchen, die Art, die Intensität oder die Dauer von Emotionen in eine bestimmte Richtung zu beeinflussen. The mental health of our society is far from ideal. The main difference between adaptive and maladaptive behavior is their behavioral patterns. Based on previous work (Aldao & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2012), we examined whether putatively adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies interacted with each other in the prediction of social anxiety symptoms in a sample of 71 participants undergoing CBT for SAD. Hum. Following the fMRI tasks, anatomical T1-weighted MR images (176 slices, field of view = 256 mm; 256 × 256 matrix; 1 mm × 1 mm × 1 mm; spacing = 0 mm) were collected.Preprocessing and statistical analysis of fMRI data was performed using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8; Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London, UK) run using MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA, Inc.). [1][2][3] Der Begriff lässt offen, inwieweit die regulativen Bemühungen bewusst getätigt werden oder Teil der vorbewussten (bzw. These results suggest Discharge may be an ineffective or harmful listening strategy in response to negative affect, while Solace and Diversion may provide more effective mood regulation. Behavioral data was explored using correlational analysis. This is a form of adaptive behavior. Images for each participant were realigned to adjust for movement between slices, normalized spatially onto the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) template (6 parameters rigid body model, gray matter segmentation), and spatially smoothed using a Gaussian filter with an FWHM of 6 mm.