What a wonderful feeling to know what you came to this Planet to do, and to actually be in the process doing it.Capricorn is represented by 3 symbols, which correspond to 3 levels of consciousness:Asleep Capricorn is doggedly attached to the physical world, possessions and status. Our "karmic lessons" teach us about our own mortality and the cause and effect relationship between our fear driven desires and thoughts. The two horns symbolizing body and Spirit, or the duality of the mind, merge and the one-horned Unicorn emerges.The two horns of the Mountain Goat symbolize the perceived duality of Spirit and Matter in unawakened stages of consciousness. Standing before the Major, he taunts the commander for failing to conquer the mountain, further vexing him. The new Second Edition, revised and updated,is ready to welcome a whole new generation of students to this life-changing technology. for 31 minutes through the crossing into the year 2000. Once it honors its whole being and willingly listens to its own internal guidance and intuition, it no longer sabotages its own journey.Awakening Capricorn begins to see the spiritual value in the Earthly lessons that it has attracted. While the Sun was in Sagittarius we may have felt excited and restless.

Buddha's birthday is celebrated in Taurus (Earth sign).

The Unicorn tunes into the Divine Plan and aligns its will with Divine Will. (Yogi Bhajan) Facing our challenges, living our lives and achieving our goals may not be easy, but with Capricorn's enormous capacity for self-discipline and sense of duty everything is possible. Awakening Capricorn learns to move out of egotistical greed into a mindset of sustainable abundance.What greater peak experience than the realization of one's own wholeness, greatness and ability to co-create personal and collective realities. Part of the group can be in the center of the circle. To even get a glimpse of this possibility is a peak experience.Capricorn puts the three pieces of the spiritual path together.The Path of Enlightenment is up. It is here to make lasting changes and leave a legacy. Capricorn's deepest drive is to find and follow its Destiny path.This sounds fine so far. Its obsession with creating a world of appearances is an attempt to cover up a deep inner insecurity and fear of not getting its needs met.Its vision of what is possible and desirable is defined by social mores, family conditioning and often a "keeping up with the Jones" mentality.

Remember to include Yogi Bhajan in the circle.You don't have to wait until New Year's Eve to do this meditation. However, with a closer look this makes total sense.The Path of Enlightenment is up.

The ultimate gift that Capricorn has to offer us is the demonstration that the summit can be reached. An ascent can be physical, like an elevator's journey to the top floor, an airplane's upward motion, or your hike up a mountain. I personally find that acknowledging what I have done in the past year brings peaceful and meaningful completion to the past and unleashes powerful energy and even serendipitous events that kick off the New Year.Capricorn lends us a moment of silence so we can actually listen to and hear our Soul speak to us about why we are here, what contribution we have to make to the world.

In the end, it is our personal choices, grit and commitment that determine if we make it to the top.The first New Moon of the Millennium is in Capricorn January 6. He taught us that Christ consciousness is attained when we can open our hearts enough to forgive others for their ignorance.Capricorn's work is here on Earth. It is the experience of Oneness with the Earth that anchors in its courage to make the climb to the summit of personal integrity and to offer its unique contribution to the world.As the Sea-Goat develops the concept of Self as its anchor, it gets more and more in touch with its creative gifts and talents. The Kibosho Lodge was a great place to spend the night before the push to the top. Life becomes less of a burden and more of a learning center. To do so Capricorn teaches us that we must know and honor the limitations of the physical plane.

Christianity is the path of healing others through an open heart. Capricorn gives us a moment of time out, especially during the holiday season, to regroup, to re-evaluate our lives, to consolidate our energy and in January to get back to work. Vincent got mountain sickness. As the Sun moves into Capricorn we celebrate Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year. This limited view of reality and blind attachment to form is the root cause of the difficult lessons that asleep Capricorn must endure. Its actions are one-pointed. Awakening Capricorn discovers that the purpose of loss, restriction and limitation is to educate it about the guidelines and parameters for spiritual manifestation of its own Soul path and the expression of a spiritual life on Planet Earth. With all the changes to the trip, Lau had dropped the number of porters from nine to six. I usually have half the group in the circle for have the time and the other half for the remainder.

To actually embody spiritual energy and hold it in our physical bodies is the greatest challenge. The Unicorn's continuous outpouring of creativity is a by-product of its ability to experience the wholeness of its being. When its goals are defined in terms of world service, Capricorn feels less burdened. The other looks ahead and has knowledge of the future.Capricorn reaches the gold in its own psyche through self-honesty, objectivity and detachment. It is a good one to do every day while the Sun shines in Capricorn. sustainable choices, as we use the Earth's resources to take care of the human population.