Instead of Echoing Fury, put Aether Walker in your cube. Boss mode is ez mode also with TV lightning hydra build. Drop hydra on two spots, go afk, at half way timer, re-summon, go afk again. It’s time for Diablo 3 Season 20, which also means there’s a brand-new Seasonal Journey that players will have to complete.. Not only is … Lightning hydras alone can kill around 380-400 easily.Oh yeah. My schedule is a little wonky so it's hard for me to work out a time with strangers.

Since it requires a fair amount of preparation and resides well outside of the core gameplay loop (you would not be trying to beat a GR threshold by ignoring powerful character advancement mechanics), this conquest is rated as medium difficulty. Worlds Apart: Kill listed bosses in 20 minutes from starting the game in Hardcore.

The Thrill (Super Human for Hardcore) conquest requires that you complete a Greater Rift 45 Solo without any Set items equipped. Just explore the Paths of the Drowned until you find the Cursed Peat event.For Boss Mode, again, it is easy solo with a DH, using the Shadow Mantle set. Ended up with 414 kills. It’s usually pretty close to the waypoint and it’s one of the exclusive-type events.

Yes : 2 : 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20 For curses, a UE MS build will easily do it on PC (not on console though).For bosses, stock s6 impale DH, but swap out numbing traps for tactical advantage and awareness for hot pursuit.I heard someone was able to do the Curses Conquest with WW barb by using the rune that pulls in monstersNah still not good enough in solo because you have to be in range to pull them in, and the damn things spawn too far out even in that tiny area.So you have to have enough movement speed to cross from one side to the other fast enough to pull enough critters in to trigger the spawning of the next mob.Find Cursed Peat chest (there are a few threads going on this, but basically speed run the map until you find a large event, if it is cursed peat, great, if not, reload, or, it spawns as a bounty so reload until you get it)Invite a UE dh or 2 since WW may not kill fast enough.

I have 2 conquests to do to get the achievement and the cursed chest and bosses seem like the easiest ones aside from the greater rift 75 solo which has been done so any tips on how to complete those would be greatly appreciated please.However, it spawns in-game as a non-bounty far more often.

However…that ain’t no Easter Bunny!! The other just searches the hard bosses (Adria, Urzael,…), messages when he is there.

You can drag an elite near or up the hill, and kill it just before you start the event.Update: I’ve done the cursed chest conquest now all thats left is the boss, it’s not that I don’t have the damage it’s just a matter of getting to the bosses on time.

The only change necessary was to change the rune on WW to be Hurricane. The categorization of what precisely a boss is has changed a bit from Diablo II to Diablo III. One guy does the conquest, searches the easy to find bosses and does all the fights.

Boss mode, much easier than expected (solo) I finally got round to getting my stash tab today for season 10.

Keep WotB up and use Sprint for extra burst of movement speed.

This Diablo 3 ROS bot Navigates maps, kills monsters, loots items and gold, runs ghom, rifts and bounties.

Malthael Enemy Type Boss Act(s) Found In Act V Attacks Used Drain Soul, Charge, Death Fog, Soul Nova, Skull Vortex, Summon Exorcist, Soul

LamuseWelkar 1 year ago #1.

Also available in 15 ft./4.5 m (BIC-15A) length.Black leather strap, 2.5-inch width.
Meaning if you see another event like Burning Man or Lord of the Hill, then you won’t get the Cursed Peat in that game.

Spinning in a small circle in front of the chest will absolutely pull in every mob that spawns in the event. Each stack gives an …

Use an OROTZ ring to reduce cooldown on WotB. Done. Infinite Vaults just like Shadow, with maybe having to hit Preparation once about halfway through the hunt for bosses like Urzael, or Adria.Uh huh, and billions of people have heard of the Easter Bunny.