We stopped at the General Store – Trousdales – and enjoyed a coffee and perusing the many crafts and books they had for sale on the way back.Knowing we were over the halfway point, we were excited to see how this next section compared to what we had just cycled. The Cataraqui Trail Facebook page and Twitter feeds are used to post time-sensitive information and updates. With a jug of ice-cold water from the grocery store, fried potatoes were a welcome change from the usual cycling snacks of nutty granola bars and apples. The other end near Napanee could be cycled on a hybrid quite easily.The first 40 kilometres is the most rugged portion of the trail, and there are beautifully maintained sections along the first 15 kilometres with stone dust or well-packed dirt which we cycled at a steady pace. Mate this information with a paper or digital map (see the Maps Page for information on various maps of the Rideau). Cycling; Cataraqui - Inverary Cruise Loop; Cataraqui - Inverary Cruise Loop. Hence the French fries. Description A fun idea to help the trail by joining KVC Team: Friends of Cat Trail FAB Cycle Team Cost: $10.....Payment details: PayPal - see the very bottom of this web page Click on Major Events to learn about our upcoming major And an adult beverage (or maybe two) and dessert guaranteed we lounged beside the river for a few hours.Sunday morning, we traipsed across the street from the hotel to Denny’s which served all sorts of lumberjack-sized breakfasts. After packing up our bikes and fueling our bellies, we pedalled back towards Smith Falls returning on the route we came.Nothing goes as planned 100% of the time. And that is when the magic happens.Dream of leaving it all and running away to live and survive in the wilderness, searching for contentment?

In Conjunction with the Rideau Trail Association, Friends of the Cataraqui Trail and The Frontenac Biosphere the Kingston Velo club will host 2 rides on the Cataraqui Trail On October 5, 2019. Steamy hot, salty and bathed in ketchup, the french fries tasted so delicious. Ottawa to Cataraqui Trail to Kingston (191 km without side trips) The following are turn by turn directions for a self-guided bicycle tour. Click Map PDF at the bottom of the page for a printable trail description. Our legs fueled by lunch, we met people along this next section as it is well used by local residents and cottagers.

A few well-positioned wood benches in front of lakes made for welcoming rest stops.From the 40-kilometre mark to Sydenham, it is isolated. Both rides will begin at 10 am from the Foodland Store in Sydenham, with the shorter ride turning at Perth Road for the return trip, 20 km total. As we found out, this end of the trail is definitely more rugged compared to the southern end close to Napanee. In Conjunction with the Rideau Trail Association, Friends of the Cataraqui Trail and The Frontenac Biosphere the Kingston Velo club will host 2 rides on the Cataraqui Trail On October 5, 2019.

In Sydenham, Ontario there is a grocery store on the Cataraqui rail trail and beside it, a well-placed chip shack, that also serves fish and burgers. North of Kingston, the limestone plains of the west flanks of the Frontenac Arch become rolling hills because of the uplift of the Arch, eons ago. We weren’t sure at first if we had reached the end of the trail. If the event has passed, click the "Event Report" button to read a report and view photos that were uploaded. Cycling Canada Pedal Magazine Share The Road WarmShowers Kingston Rideau Trail Cataraqui Trail Women's Cycling Almonte Bicycle Club Cornwall Cycle Club Cobourg Cycling Club Ottawa Bicycle Club Ride a Bike Go Biking Adirondack Cycling Club Backroads Cycling in the UK There are few cottages, houses or farms and you may see one or two buildings near the road crossings, but that is it.Arriving in Sydenham was a perfect midday stopping point. Several sections of the trail where the brush has been cut down felt as though you were riding over a farmer’s field that had been compacted slowed our pace a bit and kept our attention. It’s lovely and picturesque, passing through rolling farmland, a golf course, fields of hay and depending on the time of year, there are pops of yellow and purple wildflowers. But there is also a café and a general store about 400 metres down the main road. Events not associated with a Metro Area will be included. Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter to automatically receive timely messages about events and alerts on the trail. This is what one man did. https://www.visitrideaucanal.com/adventures/cataraqui-trail

Mountain bikes and other bikes with wide tires are recommended due to trail surface conditions. In Sydenham, Ontario there is a grocery store on the Cataraqui rail trail and beside it, a well-placed chip shack, that also serves fish and burgers. After almost 70 kilometres on our first hot September day, we devoured our fries like we hadn’t seen food in weeks.I had heard of the rail trail, and it had been on my bike-it list for a while. We enjoyed dinner at the Waterfront Pub and Grill, and it was worth the walk despite our tired legs; the food tasted so good – chocolate kale salad + salmon… need I say more? This event is staged as part of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere Trails Festival. The topography was different as well – a mix of rolling corn-on-the-cob farmland and one long section of squatty pine trees, that made us feel as though we were riding through a Christmas tree farm, minus the snow.The end of the trail finishes at an old garage and is rather uneventful. This is the "Event Detail" view, showing all available information for this event. Title. We rode out to the Highway (#1, Newburgh Road) that led into Napanee and cycled the last 6 kilometres into town on the Highway with broad paved shoulders.Since we booked a hotel and didn’t camp like other trips, we walked into the downtown core from our hotel and found a spot to relax along the River.