Order Now...We are Engineers from UPPCL, Our motto is to help the officers and consumers in all aspects, We have designed these two Web Application-We are bunch of engineers trying to solve power related issues of UPPCL employees and consumers. & Toll Free Helpline Contact UPPCL Customer Care Number, Complaint No.

1800 180 3002 . Contact Number (Not Toll … 3615. UPPCL Customer care number. The electricity dep...Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited is ready to provide the new electricity connection within 10 days. 625. Toll-free: Toll-free: 1800 180 0440 . It is basically 10 digits (urban consumer) or 12 digits (rural consumer) numbers… 1154. it is having 14 days due date period and ...Traditional room/space and water heater always consumes electricity. 411. Since it was manually assigned to the consumer, so there could be a possibility of duplicacy.

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) distributes electricity in the state of Uttar Pradesh You can get your complaints and queries resolved with customer support from UPPCL.An ideator, a wanderer and a compulsive connoisseur of food, Nishtha aims to become a globe trotter someday. it could be phone chargers, extension cables or power outlets All this...Analyze the pattern of a postpaid electricity bill.
Given below is the sample of the above explanation. 1067. The social media cell of UPPCL has uploaded a video...Send SMS on 5616195 to get electricity bill on mobile by writing Bill {space} {Accouunt Number} 1800 180 5025 . Pending.
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) distributes electricity in the state of Uttar Pradesh You can get your complaints and queries resolved with customer support from UPPCL.

There is more than one way to pay your Uttar Pradesh electricity bill. Apart from these details, we can also find a term called Account number which is nothing but the consumer number. It will help to reduce the consumption upto 50%. Earlier, consumer information was linked with the service connection number. 1058. Complaints. Customer Care Phone Numbers and Contacts. 30. Phone: Phone: +91 52 2288 7703 . 0. 715.


Yes, applicants may apply a new e...We are all surrounded by electrical products in our day to day lives. Welcome to UPPCL. Consumers are not able to get electricity bills due to the lockdown.

3% View Statistics. 311. It is a computer-generated number. You can pay your electricity bill either online using the official website or other third party websites or by paying cash directly in the cash counter. 314. Resolved.

430. We are neither officially representing UPPCL, nor affiliated with any other government organisation. It is generated after one month's consumption. In the electricity bill, there are details like name of the distribution companies at the top of the electricity bill. A perfect paradigm of the rarely spotted ambiverts, she loves weaving magic by penning down her thoughts. Get all the information you need regarding UPPCL customer care toll free number and other ways to contact UPPCL support team like Email, Live Chat Support and also info about UPPCL Head Office Address, History and Services. 404 +91 52 2288 7701 . The creation of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL) on January 14, 2000 is the result of power sector reforms and restructuring in UP (India) which is the focal point of the Power Sector, responsible for planning and managing the sector through its transmission, distribution and supply of electricity. Bill number will be present at the first row and second column. Customer satisfaction rating.

Submit a Complaint. But, energy efficient heater works on control system like AC. 1800 180 3023 . 1098. The electricity department manually assigns it to the consumer at the time of the release of a new electricity connection. Whichever method you choose to pay the bill, you can check the UPPCL bill status online easily. If you are willing to do the following actions online, you must get registered on the UPPCL's official website.Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) is the company responsible for electricity distribution within the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. You may search and find them on amazon. It is present at the second row second column in the first table of the bill. Home; About us; Contact Us; Home >> Energy & Power >> UPPCL Customer Care; UPPCL Customer Care. UP Power Corporation Limited, UPPCL - Consumer Services about Connection Related Services, Complaints / Value Added Services, Knowledge Sharing Acclaimed as a silent ninja on her work desk, she loves to live wild and free outside of work.