No one knew how to imbibe like a drunken sailor, so it may come as no surprise that a phrase that epitomizes being plastered is actually a nautical term. They showed an old photo of a group of men standing while hanging their arms and heads over a rope, presumably sleeping (but it may have been the result of over-imbibing the night before). "It's actually the perfect word when you think about it, it just sounds right , like you're hanging over a sink in the morning, feeling like hell." If you have a favorite one, please help expand the list in the discussion below (don't forget to cite your sources). New words appear; old ones fall out of use or alter their meanings.

World Wide Words is copyright © Michael Quinion, 1996–. OK, maybe I blog first and think later. Meaning a strong, cheap, and usually vile spirit, the word hooch It was, as you might ahve guessed, extremely nasty, but also cheap and extremely potent.
It's got a distinctive club sound and usually has repeated (shouted) lyrics. This is an odd one, and the exact definition is the subject of some debate. If the person was really drunk, they'd have to "tie a bun on" in order to pass the test. Try to be nice about it. The major difference between the two is the levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — or the chemical in marijuana that gets people high. Hangover comes from sleeping on a rope. Watched "VICTORIAN SLUM HOUSE, The 1860's" on PBS (aired on May 2, 2017). Meaning unwell the term groggy denotes a hangover from the alcoholic drink grog.

The English language is forever changing. The term "hangover" was born at the turn of the century. Re Spanish hangover My own personal new year’s hangover prevents any serious attempt at humour, but I am not so out of it that I cannot criticise: I must say that the Anglo-Saxons did not ‘invade’ England. The term came back into vogue amongst illegal distillers during prohibition in the 1920s and remains in circulation to this day.This Britishism first showed up in the early 1900s, and it's a You wake up in an unfamiliar room, missing a button or two, with a few stains on your shirt that…Sadly, the origins of this one are murky. Okay, well,…It's a nod to a practice that dates back to Medieval times, when a person bit by a rabid dog was advised to treat the wound by cutting off a piece of the dog's hair applying some of that dog's hair to the wound. 4. It comes from the idea that it's something left over from the night before.I think, therefore I blog.
The expression hit the head comes from Navy and Coast Guard jargon for 'bathroom'.Sailors, marines and Coast Guard members call their facilities heads, while land-based military personnel call them latrines. "Around 1906 it become a common use as something leftover from the night before," said Rich. The connection sounds pretty convincing, and Orwell actually uses the word hangover to describe the method. Feb 22, 2017 - peashooter85: “ Drunken Bolsheviks and the Greatest Hangover in History, On October 25th, 1917 Bolshevik soldiers and sailors stormed the Winter Palace in … The Some people think the word derived from a Philadelphia distiller in the 1800s named E.G. In fact it's possibly a play off of the Scottish expression "chit-faced," which has the same root as kit and kitten. Now it’s time to kick that hangover, whatever it takes. When they "fell off the wagon" it meant they had slipped and gone back to their old boozin' ways.Hope you had fun last night. The author of The Phrase Finder found this to be the least likely definition, not knowing why a sailor would need to mind two disparate pieces of apparel. Booz. Hangover definition is - something (such as a surviving custom) that remains from what is past. It generally meant someone with a small face, as in a child or a young animal, and wasn't typically an insult.The O.E.D. As in, "Walk while balancing this bun on your head to prove you're sober." The site has become a favorite resource of teachers of reading, spelling, and English as a second language. Georgia State Trooper Arrested on Felony Murder Charges for Fatally Shooting 60-Year-Old Black Man After Traffic StopWhy Are There So Many Used Red Genesis G70s With Under 100 Miles?The Death of Bon Appétit Is Proof Media Companies Have No Idea What Makes Videos WorkI Asked Cat Behavior Experts Why My Cat Is Obsessed With My Ridiculous Gamer Chair2020 Honda Civic Type R Touring: The Jalopnik ReviewFortnite May Have Just Laid the Perfect Antitrust Trap for Apple—and They Fell For It [Another Update: Google Just Kicked Fortnite Out of Its App Store, Too] Someone who, if after spending their money on alcohol could not afford a bed to sleep in and didn't have enough money to pay to use someone's floor to lie down on would take the cheaper option -that of hanging across a rope under the arms in a standing position. It is an undoubted fact that seafaring is also the source of more false etymology than any other sphere. But it should be.There are, of course, many dozens of others. You're wrong. Not surprisingly, there are several competing definitions. In … Did You Know? Admiral Vernon was renowned for watering down his sailors' rum ration. This watered down rum become known as grog.

That said, "two sheets" is the This is an extremely contentious one.