Next time I should be more careful about the time.I found out the soldiers will arrive at the quarry with the goods in five days at noon.I found out the soldiers will arrive at the quarry with the goods in four days at noon.I found out the soldiers will arrive at the quarry with the goods in three days at noon.I found out the soldiers will arrive at the quarry with the goods in two days at noon.I found out the soldiers will arrive at the quarry with the goods tomorrow at noon.I found out the soldiers will arrive at the quarry with the goods today at noon.I told the groom that the poison I brought will help the horses. It's just over the bridge by the hanged man. You can give him your first report. It looks as if the robbery is truly about to happen.I missed my chance to take part in the quarry raid.

I found out when the quarrymen's wages would be transported, but we didn't have much time to prepare for the hold-up.The herb woman might be able to help the groom with his problems.The herbwoman really helped in the end.

If you have already completed the main quest Baptism of Fire, you can return to Pribyslawitz where a big battle had taken place in the past. Tell him about a plan of stealing miners' gold. Interact with the barrels shown in the screenshot to put a bag of gold there.You can already return to Talmberg and talk to Sir Robard. Find out when they´re going to transport the coin from Talmberg to the quarry. If there is nothing else to find out, I can tell Matthew and we'll get ready.Matthew has taken due note of this information. Next to the hut you will find the things stolen most probably from Skalitz. Offer them help in finding a new job and ask them what they specialize in.As suggested by Matthew and Fritz, it is worth visiting Theresa from the farm of the Miller Peshek in Rattay.
She definitely knows her craft.If I want to get a cure for the horses in Talmberg, an ordinary digestive potion should do the trick.An ordinary digestive potion could help the horses in Talmberg. One of the candidates for the jobs, Rock, has an injured arm that's not healing. But do I really want to share the money?I was to go to the clearing with the loot, which I did. Kingdom Come: Deliverance takes place in the early 15th century, in the Kingdom of Bohemia, part of the Bohemian Crown and the Holy Roman Empire in what is now the Czech Republic.The accessible area of the game is located in the region between Sasau and Rattay. Matthew and Fritz want to raid the quarry in Talmberg. ... Quest objectives of A Rock and a Hard Place. On your way to this camp, you will probably fall into two Cumans from a smaller camp site (check the screenshot). It looks dangerous, but if we're successful we'll be rich!If we're to pull off this robbery, we need to know more. Or, on the contrary, I could help them...I found out from the herb-woman that if I want to make sure that none of horses can ride for a couple of days, I just have to cook up a classic poisonous potion.I found out from the herb woman that to keep the horses out of action for a few days, all I need is to brew a poison potion.
All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners.Copyright © 2000 - 2020 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Another pack of four opponents should be in the main camp. Talk to Return to your colleagues in the Inn in Rattay and pass on good news.Step 2 - Waiting to unlock the quest "...Is a Friend Indeed" and completing itHenry decides to visit his friends and see how they are doing on Oliver's farm in Ledetchko. After leaving the camp, attack only those Kumans who continue their pursuit of Henry. Open them and look for the items you need. Find out when they're going to transport the coin from Talmberg to the quarry. Now just to get hold of it...I should pay Matthew his fair share of the stolen coin. There are chests with different elements of the armor. They should be healthy soon. During the conversation with Robard, it is necessary to select the second dialogue option from the screenshot above. That didn't sound good.Captain Robard wanted to send a whole squad to escort the quarrymen's wages, but I persuaded him to send less men.The soldiers have already reached the quarry. Some might call it treachery, but this province needs law and order, not more bandits. Matthew and Fritz want to raid the quarry in Talmberg. It’s actually north of the marker, near the river. Find out when they're going to transport the coin from Talmberg to the quarry. But in any case not many soldiers escorted the train to the quarry…Matthew suggested it might be possible to make sure there were as few guards as possible…The coin is at the quarry. It seemed like the only option.Now I know when the money will arrive at the quarry. Matthew and Fritz want to raid the quarry in Talmberg. However, this way you can acquire at least some of the items you require.Once you have collected all of the three sets (you can check the progress in your log) return to Andrew and hand them over to him. For example, you can choose a camp located in the forest within a short distance north-west of Inn in the Glade. Naturally, he won't be able to do any heavy carrying like that, so I promised to get something to help him.

He even thanked me. It looks dangerous, but if we´re successful we´ll be rich. A Rock and a Hard Place Kingdom Come: Deliverance Quest. On this site you can find a detailed description of the Step 1 - Unlocking and completing a side quest A Friend in NeedWhen you talk to Matthew and Fritz, you will find out that they are unemployed. Avenge your parents' death as you battle invading forces, go on game-changing quests, and make influential choices. I'm sure I'll find him in the Inn in the Glade along with Matthew.I figured Fritz played his part in the success of our venture, so I gave him his share of the loot.I didn't think Fritz helped much with stealing the quarrymen's wages, so I gave him nothing.Now to wait until the soldiers arrive at the quarry with the coin.You may also be interested in something from the list below. He said he'd take care of it and that I should come and see him in a few days.Fritz came up with the idea that if I make a commotion somewhere around Talmberg to lure the guards, fewer will be available to go to the quarry. Robard told me he'd take care of it and that I should come to see him in a few days.I've snitched on Andrew to Robard.