Have I down voted you?

some people will always want to be not patient, and that's fine, others will always want to be patient, and that's also fine. I've engaged.

Your title says the paradox and your post is esoteric in the extreme. and the result is?

I still have no idea what your point is... but what says it all is that you choose to down-vote me every time I try and chat with you.

the whole point of them making inversion characters or the attempts thereof, is not because they want to or know how to spice things up, it's because they don't know how to present a game of pure and definitive offense (vs) defense, because unlike traditional game types, there is no shuffling flow. there should be not a single action in the game that don't have ramification, keep your "lull time" if you refer that as none combat. understand that, and you understand where it should instead go. this is the most confusing post I've ever read... what on earth are you talking about and what is your point? let people do what they want. Then, when I got my mobile, I started playing games there and loved it. ONLY WHEN EVERYONE TRY THEIR HARDEST TO NOT FEED, CAN THE GAME REALLY BEGIN TO BE CONSIDERED LEGIT.

if every combat is the same decked out m4 sprayfest from the early start, what weight does surviving hold? I agree on one thing though and that is that its not very entertaining to watch PUBG on stream, they could add statistics or some kind of UI changes to make it more lucratctive for streamers to showcase for viewers, other than that, they should not change the game, its the best game in my opinion, cod and all the other bullshit games are nothing in this caliber, whatever someone may say.

but that part is also repetitive and monotone. What I like about Moses' stream where he's playing snake is that he's interacting more with his stream which is entertaining in the quiet sections and then you get the manic few seconds of gunplay. speaking of shield and inversion, you get the other end of the spectrum with the montagne going full on turtle as attacker, and aside from cancering in the corner AFTER planting the bomb or something like that, a full shield attacker's actually at least not toxic if not a breathe of fresh air. 0. People always ask me that question, and I feel the time is ripe to take a detailed look at who Paradox is!Ever since I was young, I had a passion for gaming, something that began when I played several games on my Game Boy (Gaming Console). nothing else to do?

that's where "farm up" come in.

you make it cut throat from the start, eliminate the game stages mentality. you make it engaging.

I agree on one thing though and that is that its not very entertaining to watch PUBG on stream, they could add statistics or some kind of UI changes to make it more lucratctive for streamers to showcase for viewers, other than that, they should not change the game, its the best game in my opinion, cod and all the other bullshit games are nothing in this caliber, whatever someone may say. like who the hell are yall?

By P-P Started July 21.

are you saying that this is a survival game and that kills aren't everything? ), you can only use it 3 times By Guest test Started August 4.
all of this was just to ride the fortnite hypetrain asap.

DS2; By Guest zoomcv99; July 28; Threads. or should not be read? because people should be actively finding an advantage. And I lost.

it catered exactly to all the crybabies that resented miramar, and then 1 year later the same slowpokes resent snow map for arbitrary non reasons.

I am a professional gamer who plays for team Megastars in PUBG mobile.So, I always loved to play games since childhood, I used to play PC games and a lot of games on my Game Boy. and then you get stupid stuff like clash defending with a shield but no shooting cus why shoot when you zap people so far away while soft ccing them to autowin which is completely stupid. I agree on one thing though and that is that its not very entertaining to watch PUBG on stream, ps. how much different is it? I did. this is seen in the nerfs and still lion be at top all this time in winrate/pro winrate pick rate and all that bullshit.
ash10kills shield rush(that's actually a cheater  id in bfv) By Guest zoomcv99 Started July 28.

in fact a ranked ladder don't mean anything either if people don't want to take it seriously.

that's why it's not proactive. WTFMoses (streamer) showed us rather nicely how this game is meant to be played and what is the actual meta in his last couple of videos. I still have no idea what your point is... but what says it all is that you choose to down-vote me every time I try and chat with you. How to format for NG. if so I agree with you...  as far as I am concerned PUBG is a survival game.

in fact not just ue4 and epic nobody cared or heard of before pubg, in fact i d2 csgo since 2012 and i still i can tell you that i can admit steam is nothing without pubg, cus them d2 cs players they don't care about other games, but pubg be an open world game that actually ties to single player titles and other stuff, cus pubg charge money for a purchase, them d2 cs they be f2p, just a bunch of whales shelling out, that shit just don't work and it just don't mean much. you could always play like that from the very start. tactic ask for relocation to places where you effectively camp without wasting your fucking time. This is the thing. it's fine if you say that you don't care about the nuance of this and that, the world rolls  around just the same without some ignorant fools.

You are pretty funny man.... and as you have seen from the other post's no-one else understands you either.

and that camping is ok? You are pretty funny man.... and as you have seen from the other post's no-one else understands you either. I did.