Peter Benton in the first few seasons is portrayed as the goal-oriented arrogant surgeon. After leaving the series, Peter was seen a few more times. Later in the episode, as Carter awakes from surgery, he asks Peter who is watching Reese matter-of-factly answers, "he's at home with Cleo." When a saddened Roger brings Reese's Christmas presents to the hospital later that day, Peter (knowing that Roger is important to Reese), tells Roger to come to his and Cleo's home on Christmas Day and give the presents to Reese himself.

Peter is then forced to go to Romano and accept the per diem position.

Peter bluntly tells her that he is sorry about the job, but is not sorry that Reese will remain in the same city as him.

Morgenstern later resigns from the hospital and a distraught Peter begins an affair with Elizabeth.They remain friends together through much of the following two years, although their relationship eventually begins to suffer due to Peter's needing to spend more time attending to Reese. Peter later goes to his supervisor, Dr. Robert Romano, and asks for such a schedule, but Romano cannot offer only daytime hours. In the series finale, Peter goes to Carter's opening of his new hospital with Reese. He returns in the 19th episode of the 15th (final) season of ER in the episode "Old Times" where he visits his old friend and former student John Carter who is awaiting a kidney transplant. Impressed, he hires her to work with his mother as a physical therapist. Roger sues Peter for custody of Reese & his lawyers force Peter to address the fact that he may not be Reese's biological father.

He is successful and gets the hours he had promised the judge & is awarded sole custody of Reese with Roger receiving visitation rights. He also goes to the afterparty with Carter, Susan Lewis and Kerry Weaver and meets Elizabeth Corday and Rachel Greene.

In the sixth season, Peter begins dating ER pediatrician, Dr. Cleo Finch.

Carla shocks Peter by telling him that he may not be Reese's father. It is revealed that Peter has left private practice for a surgical attending position at Northwestern University Hospital. Jeanie later separates from her husband In the third season, Peter becomes involved with a former girlfriend, Carla Reese, who soon becomes pregnant. At the end of the fifth season, Carla tells Peter about her new marriage to Roger and that she will be taking Reese with them to Roger's new job in Germany.

In 1963 Bennett began a long-standing business relationship with accountant, turned personal manager Sinatra sought Bennett's assistance in making his 1966 After the band's break-up in April 1970, Bennett continued to manage promotion for each of the four Beatles – In 1975, with his EMI Records contract due to expire, Lennon asked Bennett to reach out to In 1976, Klein and Bennett were each charged with three felony counts of attempted income tax evasion for 1970, 1971 and 1972, as well as related misdemeanor counts of making false statements on their income tax returns for those years.Bennett spoke at many music conventions and nostalgia shows, sharing his stories and fond memories with fans. Corday finds a new job for Peter in Philadelphia, but Carla will not continue joint custody of Reese if Peter leaves town (citing his resistance to her and Roger's plans to move to Germany the year before). He is typically ambitious but remains loyal as a mentor, friend, and strong advocate to In the first season, Peter meets Jeanie Boulet, (a married Physician Assistant) at the hospital.

His next appearance was at the funeral of Dr. Greene. Elizabeth feels betrayed by Peter and (wishing to stay at County), she takes Romano's cardiothoracic fellowship offer. Peter takes a DNA test to determine whether or not Carla's suspicions are true, but he chooses not to receive the results and decides that he will be Reese's father regardless of biology. Later, Carla begins a new relationship with a man named Roger McGrath and eventually marries him. Morgenstern (who has been somewhat hesitant about surgery following his heart attack) makes a serious mistake that endangers the patient's life. Peter takes another paternity test and this time learns the truth; he is not Reese's biological father. Roger's lawyer makes issue of the long hours Peter's job demands, whereas Roger works from home and commands his own schedule.

In the season 15 episode "Old Times," Peter is seen wearing a wedding ring, and it is assumed he and Cleo are now married. Dr. Peter Benton is a fictional character and surgeon for the first eight seasons of ER.