Her exact cause of death is a mystery. The police enter to find her being attacked by an invisible force and passing out.

When we checked the bedrooms of the house we saw how a wooden cross spun upside down and the metal christ upon it was ripped off.“One of the daughters then placed the cross behind the door on a poster. The new hosts will never witness any inexplicable phenomenon.The Vallecas case is one of the most famous cases of paranormal phenomena in Spain. When she tells the spirit to say goodbye, it refuses. Her friends begin avoiding her. A few nights later she would die, amidst screams and convulsions with her parents watching.The autopsy said she died of heart and lung failure.

On-screen texts assert specific addresses, times, dates, ... Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro rather than ... Estefania's family didn't get the police involved until more than a year after her death. Shortly afterwards, the Gutierrez family will sell their home and move away, definitively stopping paranormal events. As the detective watches a framed photograph of Verónica suddenly catch fire, he is informed that she has died. Apparently shed started toying with spiritualism, toying with an ouija board.She suddenly began to suffer convulsions, ending in epileptic fits without reason.The teachers of her schools told the police what happened one afternoon.She and friends had been using a homemade ouija board in the school fields, when, according to someone present, the glass they where using smashed into a thousand pieces.

Claw and bite marks appear on her body and she hears strange noises. Back in 1991, Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro was just a care-free 15-year-old with her whole life ahead of her.

When our parents entered it was as if we´d been playing for hours with the dolls.”In November 1992 police Inspector Jose Negre was called to the house, it was 2.40 am and there were bangs and noises in the house.“We were with the family, you could hear and see how a perfectly shut cupboard door would open and shut. Verónica is a 15-year-old girl living with her mother and three siblings in an apartment in the While the school gathers on the roof to view the eclipse, Verónica, her friend Rosa, and their classmate Diana go into the basement to conduct a Verónica begins experiencing paranormal occurrences. For the family it was clear the authorities wanted this case closed, and now. We checked the door.

It is explained that the movie is based on the true events of the first police report in The film was inspired when Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro (1973 – 1991) reportedly suffered hallucinations and seizures after performing the séance at a school in Madrid to try to contact her friend's deceased boyfriend who had died six months earlier. Her exact cause of death is a mystery.

Paranormal news, articles, real ghost stories, UFO, aliens and everything from A to Z of the unexplained, strange & odd. It was then we noticed something on the floor, as the light from the streetlights would enter our bedroom, and light it up.It was the shape of a man, crawling, dragging itself along the floor, h had a blackhead, no eyes, no mouth, nothing. Moments later we saw how a table cloth on a small telephone table was becoming a stain by a brown substance that the Inspector identified as “drool like”. It was crawling towards us, We started to scream, it was just then that the cuddly toys we had on a shelf started to be thrown violently towards the other wall, one by one, and then bangs and shouts. It was perfect.

The date on which Estefanía died is also debated, although in this case the differences of opinion are minor, almost insignificant, since while some point to July 14, 1991, others argue that Estefanía died a month later. However, when she gets to the exit she sees in a mirror that she is not actually holding Antoñito but just imagined it. Nothing more. She returns to find her brother hiding in a closet and calling her name.