You can start an online selling business by selling your things on You also could donate your items to your local thrift store or homeless shelter, recycle your things, oAnother option is to trade your unwanted items. For one, using the Decluttering Binder will make it super easy to systematically declutter your house.And two, if you don’t like to throw things away, but you know you need to declutter, then consider donating your things or finding someone who could really use them. Julie Coraccio 0:13 Welcome to clearing the clutter inside and out with Julie Coraccio. But hopefully, these decluttering questions to ask when purging will bring new perspective and renewed motivation to all your decluttering projects. ... Over time, I did receive adequate answers to those questions. I just don’t want tons of unnecessary, unused stuff sitting around. I didn’t want to spend each day trying to make calm out of chaos. Because your home shouldn't own you.Woo hoo! But clutter is also debilitating (and not at all convenient.) )But there are definitely a few things that stop me from getting rid of things I really should part with.

If I sit and think, actually some things in my storage area of my basement haven’t been touched in years. If the answer is no, I’m a little more hesitant to get rid of the item in question. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can declutter once you know the right questions to ask!Every year around spring I start feeling really antsy and I can’t wait to clean out the garage, the basement, the toy room, etc.In fact, one time my husband was worried that if he stood still too long, I might put him in the thrift store pile! Just this last year once we were in our forever home I realized after decking the place out I still had more than an entire huge bin of unused stuff. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
I’ve begun to purge toys ruthlessly if they aren’t used for months. (If you haven’t gotten the hang of being a minimalist, that is! 1. Don’t worry. (I’ll bet you won’t as often as you think you would, though! Because maybe it’s the scariest question to ask. She was hopelessly stuck in a pattern of bingeing and purging. And it won’t take long! Those shoes that have been sitting under your bed untouched for years, those are the ones I’m talking about. The same husband would tell you I am a purgaholic, but I always argue that I purge simply to keep my hoarding instinct in check. There are few things I’d really miss if I got rid of them. You know what I’m talking about, right? (Terrible, I know!) “Don’t let me live out my life in the dark of this box.”Really, it’s kinder to get rid of all this stuff. Decluttering Questions to Ask When Purging.

(And because I know you are going to ask – Henry hasn’t even noticed when things are gone.

Transcript What Questions Can I Ask When Purging Physical Clutter? I comforted her ... and I have questions! Ease purging anxiety by asking yourself some very important declutter questions as outlined above. Your life might not ever be the same again!Once you clear the clutter, you’ll be absolutely amazed at how it affects your entire life. Here are some of the questions I ask myself when I purge:This leads to lots of follow up questions like, Is that reasonable? But what I really wanted to know, I didn’t even know to ask. Have I used it in the past year? (And I think that’s a good thing.
The books that I’ve already read and don’t plan to reread.I feel so much better about getting rid of something when I know it will be used better somewhere else.Sometimes, I end up with stuff I don’t need. You better get your hands on a pick-up tuck and a trailer cuz you’re gonna need it!! I just keep discovering boxes and drawers and cabinets that are begging to be purged.“Take me to Goodwill,” they whisper. !”I’ve always been a good purger-I’ve gone to far actually and got rid of things I wished I hadn’t!