The Dutch Council for Refugees seeks to protect and defend the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands.

The following steps outline what you need to do, once you have reached the Netherlands  and what you can expect to happen upon your arrival:. If you like you can make use of Google Translate to view this website in English or another language. (Dutch govermental healthcare organisation)We will keep you up to date about further developments. We do this through projects related to language learning, integration, work, refugee children, financial literacy and return- and future counselling. Safeguarding refugees’ human rights is another theme Prospects will focus on. In addition, the organization campaigns for the acceptance of refugees and for a more humane refugee policy. Resettlement in the Netherlands The Dutch government pursues an active policy on the reception of refugees. Hence, asylum-seeking children have the same right to Every refugee center is linked to an elementary school in NLChildren seeking asylum are not obligated to attend one of these schools, but they have the option toIn this class, they will receive Dutch language tuition, until their Dutch is strong enough for them to enter regular classesIf your children are not yet old enough for school, you will be given lessons and additional courses in In Holland, refugees are essentially given the same health insurance as that of Dutch citizens. Platform Heart for Refugees You can also apply for volunteer work via ‘Heart for Refugees’ by the Volunteer Centre Amsterdam (VCA): You have a choice of activities such as counselling and educating, sport and games, helping with homework, being a host / hostess, coach or buddy, creative activities and organising / co-ordinating. Our country has joined the global resettlement programme of the UNHCR. Prospects, initiated by the Netherlands, will invest €500 million in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Uganda, Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia. We do not accept any government or UN funding, ensuring the independence and credibility of our work. Refugees International advocates for lifesaving assistance and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. Funds will be invested in programmes that provide education, skills and jobs to refugees and their host communities. We have put together a basic outline of the Dutch system on this page.

The Dutch Council for Refugees ensures fair refugee and asylum policies and practices by actively advocating for the rights of refugees. The Dutch Council for Refugees is an independent, non-governmental organisation that defends those rights. The majority receive emergency accommodation in their own region. The International Refugee Organization ( IRO) was an intergovernmental organization founded on 20 April 1946 to deal with the massive refugee problem created by World War II. Close to 60,000 refugees were admitted into the Netherlands in 2015. Refugees have the right to a fair asylum procedure, access to adequate housing, education, health care and work. Jump to navigation Jump to search.
Safeguarding refugees’ human rights is another theme Prospects will focus on. ORGANIZATIONS THAT HELP REFUGEES Sunrise USA The first one of organizations that help refugees is founded in 2011 by a group of Syrian-American professionals, Sunrise-USA is now one of the leading NGO's in the United States focused on providing humanitarian assistance to Syrians both inside Syria and in neighboring countries.

The focus is on:In addition, the government wants to prevent migrants being exploited or becoming victims of human trafficking, now or in the future. Furthermore, we continue to work for a welcoming society through campaigns, public encounters and storytelling.With one National Office, 5 regional offices, and more than 300 local branches we are active throughout the country.The Dutch Council for Refugees also works to protect refugees beyond the Netherlands through advocacy, strategic litigation, and international cooperation with our European counterparts.The Dutch Council for Refugees is a member of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).
Therefore, it is crucial that you know where to turn for help, and what to expect, in NL. A refugee is a person who faces danger from persecution, war or a natural disaster in their country of origin.Once you are established in NL, and living in a refugee center, you will have entered into the ‘ Here, you will have access to a few more amenities.

Please bring as much supporting documents as you can. You can visit our website: Not all sections of our website are available in English. The Dutch Council for Refugees is an independent, non-governmental organisation that defends those rights.With more than 12.500 volunteers and around a thousand paid employees we offer refugees support during their asylum procedure and their integration in the Dutch society.

This group often ends up in the margins of society, vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.Over the past thirty years, ASKV has supported undocumented refugees by providing shelter, legal and social assistance, daytime activities, and vocational training. The Legal Aid Council will give you help as well. Robert van Hall is a portrait photographer whose works go far beyond putting his clients ... Sign up now to receive English-language information on the Netherlands in your inbox. Do you live in or around Amsterdam and have you unsuccesfully claimed asylum in the Netherlands?ASKV provides legal and social advice from Monday and Thursday, between 10am and 12 noon. Every year, our country invites 500 refugees to come to the Netherlands. Funds will be invested in programmes that provide education, skills and jobs to refugees and their host communities. If you have come to the Netherlands to seek asylum, you will want to get settled, feel safe and obtain refugee status as soon as possible.