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Apart from the single, "Rio" has also appeared on:

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"Rio" is the seventh single by Duran Duran, released on November 1, 1982.

It was first released as a single in Australia, in August 1982, followed by a UK release on 1 November 1982. "Rio" is the seventh single by Duran Duran.


In 1997 Goldfinger brought their version of Rio out, which first appeared on a tribute album of Duran Duran, then later on the albums Audio recordings of the station obtained by industry publication Radio & Records show in an archived column written by Adam Jacobson.England and Wales General Register Office, Kensington and Chelsea, November 1990, vol.

The song was the fourth and final single lifted from the band's album Rio, and was edited for its release. He had to borrow a tourist's camera to shoot the part of While in Antigua, the band also filmed a video for the album track "Night Boat", which appeared with "Rio" and nine other videos on the There are 13 different official mixes of "Rio", many of which are edits of the album version or Kershenbaum remix with fades in various places.Two different versions of this single were available in the UK, both with identical sleeves and labels.

Ricardo Walker 27,223,302 views

"Rio" was released as the third single from the album in Australia, and debuted on the Kent Mus

‘Too Drunk To Fuck’ Duran Duran (named after a character in Roger Vadim's sci-fi classic, Barbarella) is an The song was the fourth, final, and title single lifted from the band's album of the same name, and was edited for its release. "Rio" is the seventh single by Duran Duran, released on November 1, 1982.