One of these buildings had a rack for M16 rifles standing by the door. Another escape door led to the outside world. If you continue to use our site, we'll assume that you are happy with this. All the doors are now fixed in the down position and apart from one of the silos the hydraulic rams have been removed. We were extremely lucky to get to visit them.A total of 96 missiles were stationed at Greenham and there were 6 of these silos.

There was some paperwork left in this room which indicated that there had been direct telephones to other military bases occupied by the US in Britain and to other British/Nato command bunkers.

All targets were already programmed into the missiles and the fissile material was (according to our guide) already in the missiles.The floor throughout the building was a raised computer type and there were lots of cable trays in place. There are 2 security doors leading into the command area which had 2 rooms behind it which acted as galleries. This is also an IMF Treaty listed building but were were unable to visit it as it is in a locked compound. Another blast door leads from the airlock to the outside.

support, virtualised services, access to cloud providers)? It could have been a dormitory but there was no evidence of this.Next on the right were more plant rooms.

We were not able to visit this building.On the way out we drove past the former VMF (Vehicle Maintenance facility). All were empty. By using the site you agree to our use of cookies. The control panel could fully lock all doors in the decontamination area and intercoms were provided for communication with each room. Purpose of this room is unknown but it was stripped of everything. Go through the blast door and there are fold-up benches along one side of the air lock room. The silos are built on the surface and have huge lowering doors which seal the ends of the silos. Next was the drying room which still had a notice on the wall asking servicemen to ‘take one towel and dry off then dress using available clothes and return to work area.’ The door from this area led back to the control panel. Directly off this room was a small room containing a large number of high power lead acid batteries. The US didn’t trust BT and brought in their own telecom equipment which was housed in this room. There was some paperwork left in this room which indicated that there had been direct telephones to other military bases occupied by the US in Britain and to other British/Nato command bunkers. This room also had radiation monitoring and was equipped with showers for personal washing. All the doors are now fixed in the down position and apart from one of the silos the hydraulic rams have been removed. The room is rectangular with the boards mounted along one (long) side. Another blast door leads from the airlock to the outside. This was the standby power for the phone system.Across the corridor was the air plant room and decontamination centre. from the lower area of the suit. The air plant room was one of 4 plant rooms and contained the aircon and filtering system for the bunker. This was in reasonable working order (our guide powered a lot of it up - a bit noisy at points) and there were a large number of Oxygen cylinders in a rack. Next was a large bin full of powder which would be sprinkled on the suit to dry up any chemical contaminant. We were not able to ascertain the purpose of many of these buildings but many were large enough for medium size vehicle access. Next was a large bin full of powder which would be sprinkled on the suit to dry up any chemical contaminant. Off this room was the air intake room which had a large number of ducts and big power fans. Our guide informed us how the sole purpose of this room was to get the final launch codes to the missile trailers once received from the US command.
The silos are built on the surface and have huge lowering doors which seal the ends of the silos. The runway has been removed and the last part of the hardstanding area for aircraft was being dug out whilst we were there. Directly beyond this blast door is a security turnstile and small guardroom to control access to the airlock.Our guide informed us that the US had an armed soldier permanently stationed in full NBC gear during exercises in the airlock room with another colleague outside in similiar attire.To enter the bunker you would pass through the turnstile and enter the airlock room. A full PA system (which still worked) was also available in this part of the bunker.The next room on the left was a large empty room with an escape hatch and a safe door leading to a strongroom. (These are sent by email, and just few times a year.
All silos are identical apart from one which had a different personnel access.We moved on to the guardhouse which still sits by the multiple gates which were used for entry. Next was the drying room which still had a notice on the wall asking servicemen to ‘take one towel and dry off then dress using available clothes and return to work area.’ The door from this area led back to the control panel. The fire extinguishing system was Halon and in many of the rooms were ‘Halon gas abort’ buttons to stop the discharge of Halon in those rooms.Behind this room was the comms room for the telephone system. Find out more These rooms were all interconnected and formed the remainder of this side of the bunker. Many new buildings have been built The control panel provided remote door operation between the various sections of the decontamination area.To leave the bunker you would gain access from the control panel area into a secure corridor which led to the room for putting on a NBC suit. Are there any other details that would help us find the your best solution? This is also an IMF Treaty listed building but were were unable to visit it as it is in a locked compound. RAF Greenham Common Berkshire Reports Images Videos Map Written by Andrew Smith on 22 January 2000.