Grell is just another fangirl/fanboy!

102. 0.

There are plenty of writers who will tell you that the By Teague BohlenIn the Iron Man movie, there are three (sort Robert Bricken is one of the original co-founders of the site formerly known as Topless Robot, and its first editor-in-chief, serving from 2008-12.

Grell is a reaper, a very beautiful, smart, and FABULOUS reaper.

He is extremely obnoxious and full of himself, of course this causes him many problems (mainly with the other protagonist) But of course, that's what makes him funny and silly.Ah~ hide I will never stop loving your Loud, obnoxious, and absolutely adorable personality, he's is another rather childish and funny character. Click UP or DOWN to vote on entries! (It's okay if you don't get the reference)A place to express all your otaku thoughts about anime and manga This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. *my loud sobbing in the corner*Let's face it, without Grell some scenes in black butler would be pretty dull. In your opinion which character in the MCU is the most nerfed compared to their comic/616 incarnation? And Jar-Jar But worse than Sherriff Pepper on his home turf is Sheriff Pepper on vacation. 10.) Read our

The guy/girl the writer has thrown in to add that much needed touch of levity. ◢ It's also his naïve and childish look on life and others that makes him absolutely adorable and really hilarious!Youhei is the childhood best friend of the main character.

Top 10 Comic Relief Characters in Drama Series. He is also one of ichigo's friends.

Being roughly the same age, Krillin is shorter and much weaker than Goku. Snarf is an oddity in the world of terrible comic relief sidekicks, because … He makes a lot of puns relating to skeletons and bones (considering he is just a skeleton) personally, I find him rather humerus!

Top 10 Comic Book Characters Who Use Guns. These characters make dark times brighter and they never stop entertaining us. Here's my personal top 10 list with a brief explanation why. Brook is definitely one the funniest characters.

He's pretty much is the funniest jars yet in this really sad anime.

He appears a lot in the beginning of the anime! They've been together thought thick and thin.