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For younger kids, though, the blurry line between fiction and realistic lifestyles may be a little confusing.The series premiered on November 6, 2009, after the The third episode was broadcast a week later, on November 14, 2009, with 3.8 million viewers.A second season was announced on Nickelodeon's upfront of 2010–2011. Thomas as Fanboy Percy as Chum Chum Emily as Yo Mavis as Lupe Duck as Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason Diesel as Sigmund The Sorcerer James as Duke Molly as Cher Leader Oliver as Michael Johnson Rosie as Nancy Pancy Whiff as FanKyleChum Flora as Muk Muk Dennis as Chris Chuggy Lady as Francine Daisy as Marsha Edward as Oz Harmounian Madge as Oz's Mom George as Brizwald Salty as Thorvald The Red … In the show, two slow-witted would-be superheroes attempt to rid their town of Galaxy Hills of evil, while annoying everyone around them.The series initial release finished November 2, 2012, with one episode, "Brain Freeze", being released only on DVD in 2011, instead of being broadcast until it was finally aired on television on July 12, 2014.The theme song was written by Brad Joseph Breeck and performed by experimental punk band The series centers around Fanboy and Chum Chum, a pair of hyperactive, odd, energetic, and slow-witted best friends enthusiastically obsessed with superhero comics, particularly those featuring their favorite superhero Man-Arctica, who also apparently seems to double as a holiday figurehead parodying NOTE: The episode "A Very Brrr-y Icemas" along with Christmas episodes of If you're looking for deep content and lasting lessons, then this show isn’t for you – or for your kids. As the oldest of their group of friends, he is known to be "the most knowledgeable human being ever," yet in reality he is a nerdish know-it-all who lives with his elderly mother. I TOLD HIM THAT SOMEONE THREW GASOLINE ON ME ! [emits a huge stench while revealing that he's dirty … She is shown to be a talented prankster, dominating Fanboy … in: Characters, Females, Children, and 9 more. THANK YOU I LOVE YOU GOD ! Comments. AT CHECK OUT THE MANAGER TOLD ME NEVER TO ENTER PUBLIX AGAIN WITH OUT A SHIRT ! Fanboy Stinks [1.4.2] Chum Chum: [singsongy] Horrible stench? YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS NO CELEBRITIES LIKE YOU !

Yo is another of Fanboy and Chum Chum's classmates.

JUST THE OTHER DAY I WAS WALKING BY MYSELF LISTENING TO MUSIC AND SOMEONE STARTED SCREAMING AT ME , THEN THREW GASOLINE ON ME . Oz is the wisest, strongest, and most amazing friend to Fanboy and Chum Chum. Art Chat Fanfiction General … Oz is an adult friend of Fanboy and Chum Chum, and the secondary tritagonist of the show. Forums. She is happy-go-lucky and loves her Yamaguchi (a parody of Tamagotchi) digital pets, especially a cat named Scampers. Wiki Activity; Random page; Videos; Images; Discuss . She has a rather insane crush on Chum Chum, and often wants to play with him like he's a toy. Fanboy: A horrible smell, you say?

I THOUGHT I WOULD BE LIT ON FIRE ! Fanboy trades Chum Chum for Yo's Mecha-Tech robot. Hmm, maybe it's this cottage cheese. YOU ARE MAKING THINGS WORSE ! Olive Stacey Thompson as Nancy Pancy Loogie as Duke Lug as Oz Blinker #1 as Chris Chuggy Helvetica Black as an enormous wasp as Cher Leader Cole Black as The …

Fanboy; Chum Chum; Yo; Kyle; Lupe; Marsha; Nancy Pancy; Community.