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Version 7.0; Dec 20, 2018

Manuscript Submission and Editing Process

1. Electronic submission

The manuscript should be submitted as ZIP, TAR.GZ or TGZ archive containing only (i) LaTeX-file, (ii) EPS-files of the figures, named f01.eps, f02a.eps, f02b.eps... and (iii) the complied PDF-file.It has to be sent as an attachment to

mail journal@nao-rozhen.org

Please specify the author and provide us with authors email addresses and phone numbers. Receipt of the electronic submission will be acknowledged by e-mail by the Editor.

2. Refereeing

Papers sent for publication in the Bulgarian Astronomical Journal are reviewed. Within one month period from the submission of the manuscript the authors will be informed about the status of their paper. The paper may be rejected or accepted on the basis of anonymous referee's report. In the latter case, the paper may be accepted in its original form or accepted after revision, i.e. the authors may be asked to change the text according to the referee's requirements and suggestions and answer referee's questions.

When a manuscript is resubmitted, please include a summary of changes made and a brief response to all recommendations and criticisms of the referee.

3. Editing Process

Upon acceptance of paper for publication in the journal the authors will be asked to send a copyright-transfer form, required by the publisher.

After acceptance the paper will pass further language editing and technical editing, necessary to be included in the current volume of the journal.

4. Proofs

Before publication the authors will be send a preprint version (in pdf format) of their contribution, which should be carefully proofread by the author. They will be given typically 48 h to 72 h to answer and describe corrections. Minor changes are allowed at that stage of processing of the article, only essential corrections should be made.

Proofs should be checked carefully and returned promptly. In case of no answer from the authors the paper will be published in its present form.

General Instructions for Manuscript Preparation

1. General form of the manuscript

1.1. The manuscript should be prepared in LaTeX. The respective Apinv.cls and Example.tex files are given in

download fileApinv.zip.

1.2. The submitted text, and especially the abstract, should be edited precisely by the author(s) to be clear and full enough.

1.3. The English text must be verified and/or edited by a person with a good knowledge of English. The English spelling should conform to the preferred spelling in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.

1.4. The page size of the journal is B5. The figures and tables must be prepared carefully in accordance with this size. So, in the beginning of the preparation of the manuscript the author must design his figures and tables to contain enough large numbers and letters (at least equal to the height of the main text).

1.5. The first part of the manuscript includes the the author name's, affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), the abstract and the key-words. The recommended form of a single author's name is, e.g. Sandra M. Faber. The recommended key words are the same as in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

1.6. The second part of the manuscript contains the main text.

1.7. Acknowledgements are added at the end of the main text.

1.8. Formulas should use only Latin or Greek letters.

1.9. Vectors should be written using bold font, for example, E, B (no arrow above). Scalar quantities should be written using italic, for example, n, T.

1.10. Mathematical symbols such as sin, lim, log, max, exp, erf, symbols for chemical elements, and notations for types of waves (O waves, TM mode, E01 mode) and plasma-confinement regimes (L and H modes) should be written using ordinary font.

1.11. In the title of the paper, as well as in the section titles only the proper names, such as Jupiter or Vega, as well as commonly spread abbreviations, should be written with capital letters.

1.12. The references must be written using Latin letters only.

2. Scientific contents of the text

2.1. The main text of the article should present clearly the information about the subject, including actuality, goal, data (source, quality and reduction), result(s), interpretation and conclusions (main result(s)). The text has to contain enough information to be understood generally by an astronomer or a physicist.

2.2. The citation style has to be like the one of the journal Astronomy and Astrophysiscs.

2.3. Abbreviations or special notations that are not widely spread have to be described when they are used for a first time in the text.

2.4. The equations should be numbered sequentially on the left-hand side. Unnecessary vertical spreading of mathematical material should be avoided.

2.5. References should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order under the first author's family name. 2.6. The text of the abstract will be easily available in electronic form, being more important than the main text of the article. Therefore, the abstract should be enough full and able to elucidate briefly the goal, the data, the method and the result(s) of the investigation, independently of the main paper text.

2.7. The title is the most important part of the paper. It has to provide enough information about the subject. One typical example is: instead the short title "The phenomenon Z And" the author has to write the more descriptive one, e.g. "Investigations of the eruptive activity of the cataclizmic double star Z Andromedae".

3. Figures and Tables

3.1. All illustrations and tables should be referred as Figures and Tables, abbreviated to "Fig." and "Tab.", respectively.

3.2. Figure and table captions should be simple and clear, but still enough full for further understanding of the result independently of the paper text.

3.3. The figures should be made with high contrast and enough bold numbers, letters, lines and curves.

3.4. Generally, the figures should be presented in gray or in black and white. Colour figures may be submitted and accepted only if the color is important for the understanding of the illustration. Concerning other cases, which are not covered here, the instructions of the journal Astronomy and Astrophysiscs are recommended as a rule.

Properly prepared electronic submissions are exempt from publication charges. Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the rules laid out below may be returned to the authors without being registered for editing or reviewing.