ChETEC-INFRA project
Research infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics
ChETEC-INFRA (Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos – Infrastructure) is a project funded by the EU with a four-year budget of 5 million euros, within Horizon 2020 and started on 1st of May, 2021. ChETEC-INFRA is coordinated by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in Germany with the PI of the project is PD Dr. Daniel Bemmerer.
ChETEC-INFRA is going to provide the nuclear astrophysics community with the tools needed to address key issues on solar fusion, nucleosynthesis by neutron capture and explosive stellar processes.
ChETEC-INFRA includes a strong outreach component, with support to both established and new nuclear astrophysics scientific schools, outreach to high school students, to the detector industry, and to other stakeholders. Within ChETEC-INFRA, data are archived and catalogued for long-term sustainability beyond the end of the project, ranging from evaluated nuclear reaction rates to detailed abundance data for a multitude of stars to tracer nucleosynthesis calculations.
The project involves 32 institutions from 18 Euripean countries and also scientists from the United States, China and Japan. The purpose of the project is to develop instruments which will help the nuclear astrophysics community to answer the questions about the creation of the chemical elements.

From 2021-2025, ChETEC-INFRA provides free access to these infrastructures to researchers from any country, with proposals selected based on scientific excellence only.
Information about the application can be found at
Call for ChETEC-INFRA proposals:
Proposals can be submitted through the GATE server continuously. The USP (User Selection Panel) meets every three months to rank the applied projects. The next deadline is February 17, 2022.
Users outside the ChETEC-INFRA community are especially welcome!
The coordinator of the project on Bulgarian side is the Director of IANAO Prof. Dr. Evgeni Semkov and the TNA manager is the Head of the Stellar Department, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ivanka Stateva.
TA IANAO facility will contribute to the project with spectral observations of various types of stars which are related to the nuclear astrophysics.